Primary eng (and PM) emails
Deprecate and remove WebKitTransitionEvent interface. WebKitTransitionEvent is the prefixed version of TransitionEvent. TransitionEvent is the event interface used for events relating to CSS Transitions (e.g. transitionstart).
The ability to create WebKitTransitionEvent from document.createEvent was removed last year, and WebKitTransitionEvent has been an alias of TransitionEvent for a long time (multiple years):
> window.WebKitTransitionEvent
ƒ TransitionEvent() { [native code] }
The only remaining way a web developer can interact with WebKitTransitionEvent is to access it via window, to either check it exists or to create an event from it. It makes no sense for a web developer to manually create such an event (that I am aware).
I would prefer to remove immediately (targeting M71), but would also be happy to land a deprecation warning for M71 and remove in M72.
WebKitTransitionEvent has been fully replaced by TransitionEvent. The prefixed form is only supported in Safari. Firefox and Edge only support the un-prefixed TransitionEvent.
Interoperability and Compatibility Risk
Hopefully low, when viewed with some careful reasoning :). The UseCounter is high, at ~3.1% of the web. However, I believe most uses are either browser or support detection.
An analysis of HTTP Archive for this feature shows 4996 hits for WebKitTransitionEvent appearing in a response body. Breaking them down showed:
Edge: WebKitTransitionEvent is not supported. TransitionEvent is supported.
Firefox: WebKitTransitionEvent is not supported. TransitionEvent is supported.
Safari: WebKitTransitionEvent is supported. TransitionEvent is supported.
Alternative implementation suggestion for web developers
Developers should use the standardized TransitionEvent interface.
Usage information from UseCounter
See Interoperability and Compatibility Risk above.
Entry on the feature dashboard
Requesting approval to remove too?
Yes; would like to immediately remove for M71 but otherwise M72.
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