Primary eng (and PM) emails
This intent to remove covers 3 different properties from the -webkit-box display type.
-webkit-box-flex-group - This property has virtually zero usage based on the UseCounter on stable. There is still -webkit-box-flex which is used widely.
% values of -webkit-line-clamp - Fun fact! Most people use -webkit-line-clamp with a single number, this has relatively high usage. It can actually accept % values as well. There is interest in finding a standards based solution to the number values usecase, but we haven’t seen demand for the %-based values. Based on the UseCounter, this has virtually zero usage.
-webkit-box-lines - This property was never fully implemented. It was originally intended such that a “vertical”/”horizontal” -webkit-box can have multiple rows/columns. The only effect it has today is to switch to a broken intrinsic size calculation. (It will use the vertical intrinsic size calculation for a horizontal -webkit-box, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). We think that this has slightly higher usage as people think it's necessary for using -webkit-line-clamp.
We desire to eventually move the -webkit-box implementation over to the flex implementation with a few switches. This is what Firefox and Edge do today. Removing these properties allows us to incrementally move towards this.
Interoperability and Compatibility Risk
We think this has low interop and compat risk, due to the low usage.
Edge: Edge does have an implementation/flexbox-mapping of -webkit-box, but these properties/values aren’t supported.
Firefox: Firefox does have an implementation/flexbox-mapping of -webkit-box, but these properties/values aren’t supported.
Safari: Supported.
Please include links where possible.
Alternative implementation suggestion for web developers
Unlike -webkit-line-clamp which has high usage, these properties were never used widely by web developers.
Usage information from UseCounter
See above.
OWP launch tracking bug
Entry on the feature dashboard
No entry as this shouldn’t have any impact on web developers.
Requesting approval to remove too?
Yes - the plan is the remove immediately. We don’t think the deprecation will add value given the low usage of the properties.
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