Utility: Network Service

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Luke Curley

Sep 17, 2020, 4:27:20 AM9/17/20
to web-transport-dev
Hey all,

I'm running my QuicTransport application on Chrome 85 and noticed a performance issue. "Utility: Network Service" uses a constant 99.9% CPU.

Screen Shot 2020-09-17 at 1.15.39 AM.png

My application receives a constant stream of data and doesn't appear to be starved. Reducing the data rate doesn't make an impact and killing the task closes the QuicTransport connection. My guess would be a busy loop somewhere in the QuicTransport networking code.

Yutaka Hirano

Sep 17, 2020, 4:36:53 AM9/17/20
to Luke Curley, web-transport-dev
Oh, thank you! Could you file a bug and attach a tracing log?

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Luke Curley

Sep 17, 2020, 5:23:15 PM9/17/20
to Yutaka Hirano, web-transport-dev
Hey Yutaka,

I filed issue 1129597 with a trace and a test case. 

My test case is to have the server open a stream, write "ping", and leave the stream open. Network service uses a full CPU core and the text "ping" is not flushed to the application (separate issue). There may be other ways to reproduce but this one is pretty easy.

We've been able to work around the other bugs found thus far but this is the first blocker. Can you keep me updated on roughly when the fix could be available so we can plan our internal experiment?

Thanks again!

Victor Vasiliev

Sep 21, 2020, 3:55:26 PM9/21/20
to Luke Curley, Yutaka Hirano, web-transport-dev
I just tested it in the latest release of Chrome Canary, and it appears that the test example you've linked no longer causes the Network Service to spin.  Thanks for reporting this!

Luke Curley

Sep 22, 2020, 11:24:59 PM9/22/20
to Victor Vasiliev, Yutaka Hirano, web-transport-dev
I can confirm that it's fixed now. Thanks Yutaka!
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