[Action Required] Master to Main branch migration for infra/infra repo starting on 11/09/2020

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Normando Rosas

Oct 30, 2020, 3:22:06 PM10/30/20
to mainbranch...@chromium.org

BCC: infra-a...@chromium.org

[ACTION REQUIRED] Tool owners  (e.g. luci scheduler, copybara, autoroller), between transition stage “New main branch created” and “Master branch divergence” (depicted below) your tools and LUCI jobs need to start reading "main" instead of "master".

Hello Chrome Infra,

As part of the project code inclusion efforts, the Chrome Operations Source team will start this 2020 Q4 to rename “master” branches to “main”. More specifically, this quarter we will do this for two repos: infra/infra and chromium/src. The rest of the repositories are targeted for the first half of 2021.

Migration of infra/infra is scheduled to start on Monday November 9th (This email pertains to infra/infra only, the dates for chromium/src will be announced at a later date). During this time you can continue to interact as usual with this repo if you rely on depot_tools. Branch migration work will happen in a seamless manner to depot_tools users. 

In summary the migration consists of the next 5 stages:

  • Legacy state. This is the current state, i.e. the main branch does not exist yet.

  • Transitional period.

    • New main branch created. [ETA 11/9]. Main branch is created,  CLs should  start to be sent and submitted to it. New git clones will have main as their default branch. All existing CLs will be moved to main branch. CLs are still accepted in the master branch, but are not submittable. Such CLs will be moved to main branch by a LUCI cron job, scheduled to run every 5 minutes. Master branch will be kept in sync with the main branch.

    • Master branch divergence. [ETA 11/19]. While CLs are still accepted in the master branch, but not submittable (same as in previous stage), master branch is no longer kept in sync with the main branch, i.e master branch has diverged from main.

    • Master submission closed. [ETA 11/24]. CLs are no longer accepted in the master branch, neither submittable. If  you still try to perform any of these actions explicitly, depot tools will try to route these to main. 

  • Master branch deleted. [ETA 1-20-2021]. Master branch does not exist anymore. 

To learn more about how this migration is being done,  refer to:  

In the case you run into any issues during this migration please let us know with a bug here or at mainbranch...@chromium.org

Thank you,

Josip Sokcevic and Norman Rosas on behalf of the ChOps Source team.

Josip Sokcevic

Nov 9, 2020, 6:33:30 PM11/9/20
to infra-a...@chromium.org

[ACTION REQUIRED] Main branch has been created for the infra/infra repository. Tool owners, your tools, LUCI jobs, project configs, etc. need to start reading "main" instead of "master" before 02-10-2021. The migration timeline has been extended based on feedback received (see new dates below). 

Hello Chrome Infra,

As of today, November 9th, infra/infra repository has moved to the next stage of this migration i.e. “new main branch has been created”. You can continue to interact  with infra/infra as usual if you rely on depot_tools. CLs will start to be sent and submitted to main branch, all existing CLs will be moved to main as well. CLs are still accepted in the master branch, i.e. if you have not run ‘git fetch’ after main branch was created, but are not submittable, such CLs will be moved to the main branch by a LUCI cron job (running every 5 minutes). Master branch will be kept in sync with  main branch. 

We have adjusted the timeline for infra/infra migration as follows (Project Plan) in order to provide tool owners with more time to plan and implement their changes:

  • Transitional period.

      • New main branch created.  [ETA 11/9]. 

      • Master branch divergence. [ETA 02-10-2021].

      • Master submission closed. [ETA 02-17-2021].

    Master branch deleted. [ETA 03-15-2021].

    If you run into any issues contact us at: submitting a bug here or at mainbranch...@chromium.org


    Josip and Norman on behalf of the ChOps Source team.

    You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "infra-announce" group.
    To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to infra-announc...@chromium.org.
    To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/msgid/infra-announce/CAM6u63FP7z3fQJS%2B1D9wWyn3kckcB6JWtJxy1hrn8Rus9zyrfw%40mail.gmail.com.

    Josip Sokcevic

    Normando Rosas

    Nov 9, 2020, 11:07:27 PM11/9/20
    to mainbranch...@chromium.org

    Bcc: infra-a...@chromium.org

    Hi Chrome Infra,

    As of November 9th 7:30 p.m. PT, we have reverted the creation of the main branch for the infra/infra repository as it caused the repo to run into some issues with autorollers, trybots, and votes within open CLs. We will review this in-depth and provide new timelines once we understand it more. 

    In the meantime you might need to take following actions:

    • if you notice that your CL(s) are missing previously granted votes, please contact reviewers and ask them to add votes back. When existing CLs were being moved to main using the Gerrit move API, existing votes got removed.

    • Finally, if you receive the error message below when trying to upload a change to Gerrit with `git cl upload`, please run `git fetch origin --prune` and try again. This may happen if you ran git fetch or git pull between 3pm and 7:30pm Pacific on 11/9.


    WARNING: Using new branch name refs/remotes/origin/main instead of refs/remotes/origin/master


    remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, done    

    To https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/infra.git

     ! [remote rejected]       7c5eaa4b16bd25f0c6a1ac4e3ea92f00f3b0457f -> refs/for/refs/heads/main%wip,m=Initial_upload,cc=chromium...@chromium.org,cc=infra-rev...@chromium.org (branch main not found)

    error: failed to push some refs to 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/infra.git'

    saving CL description to /usr/local/google/home/sokcevic/source/depot_tools/.git_cl_description_backup


    Josip  and Norman on behalf of the ChOps Source team.

    To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/msgid/infra-announce/CAJiyOigxr_gLY%2B8-xgyospMpBE0DJ6csFuSHH7RoTD0SBJcv%2BQ%40mail.gmail.com.

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