Unable to generate Crux report for https://global.abb/

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Padma Chintamaneni

Jul 20, 2020, 4:01:22 AM7/20/20
to chrome-ux-report
Hi ,

I'm unable to generate Crux report for the below url - 

I have tried prefixing  http / www  Nothing worked . 

Can someone suggest me an alternative or fix.

Thanks in advance .

Padma C

Vishal Doshi

Jul 20, 2020, 12:39:02 PM7/20/20
to Padma Chintamaneni, chrome-ux-report
tl;dr There may not be enough data for the origin (aka website).

A query like the below shows if the origin is currently in the data set.
`select * from chrome-ux-report.materialized.origin_summary where origin like '%.abb';`

—> global.abb is not in the data set for June 2020.

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Warm Regards,

Rick Viscomi

Jul 27, 2020, 3:03:10 PM7/27/20
to chrome-ux-report, padma_chi...@epam.com
Hi Padma,

I can confirm Vishal is correct. The origin doesn't exist in the CrUX dataset. Origins are automatically curated based on real-user Chrome usage and are limited to websites that meet both of the popular and public conditions.

There are "only" about 7.5 million websites in the most recent monthly dataset, which is a lot but doesn't include all of them!

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