Intent to Experiment:
Intend to Extend Experiment:
We shipped “storage partitioning” in Chrome 115, an initial Deprecation Trail (DT) from Chrome 111 - 126, and a second DT from Chrome 127 - 132. There are also enterprise policies available:
We are requesting a renewal for 6 milestones (Chrome 133 - 138 inclusive) for the DisableThirdPartyStoragePartitioning2 DT (the extension will be named DisableThirdPartyStoragePartitioning3). We may need to request a further extension down the road, but for now 6 milestones is sufficient.
Since we shipped the first Deprecation Trial, we have also shipped the non-cookie storage extension to SAA (Chrome 125+) to address sites impacted by storage partitioning. We are still confident this API extension has addressed the majority of “unpartitioned” storage use cases (as evidenced by the significant delta in registered origins between the deprecation trial and its renewal), however, we are aware of a few partners with slightly different use cases that we are currently exploring API solutions for, especially in the areas of Anti-Abuse and Anti-Fraud.
Our goal is still to have this Deprecation Trial expire and migrate the platform to partitioned-by-default 3rd party storage, communications APIs, and service workers, but future renewals may be needed. Given that, we propose to only allow an extension for sites that have already enrolled in the current non-expired Deprecation Trial, taking advantage of the new OT registration approval workflow.
Gecko: Shipped/Shipping
WebKit: Shipped/Shipping
Web developers: Mixed signals (some supportive, some concerns around compatibility)
Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?
Not enabled on WebView for now.
No, all but WebView.
We have basic WPT coverage.
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