Intent to Experiment: Web app scope extensions

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Lu Huang

2023/10/11 6:05:372023/10/11
To: blink-dev
Contact emails



Design docs


Adds a "scope_extensions" app manifest member that enables web apps to extend their scope to other origins. Example usage: { "name": "Example", "display": "standalone", "start_url": "/index.html", "scope_extensions": [ {"origin": "https://*"}, {"origin": ""}, {"origin": "https://*"} ] } This allows sites that control multiple subdomains and top level domains to be presented as a single web app. Requires listed origins to confirm association with the web app using a .well-known/web-app-origin-association configuration file. { "web_apps" : [ {"web_app_identity": ""} ] }

Blink component

TAG review

TAG review status


Interoperability and Compatibility
Gecko: No signal (

WebKit: No signal (

Web developers: No signals

Other signals:





WebView application risks

Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?

Goals for experimentation

Allow app partners to experiment more broadly with the scope_extensions feature and provide feedback. We want to evaluate the shape of the scope_extensions API for ease of use and expose any corner cases. Specifically, we want to understand if origin-level granularity is sufficient without path filters. We will evaluate this based on feedback from OT participants. 

Ongoing technical constraints



DevTools Application pane will be the appropriate surface to add debugging support. Specifically, a section can be added to help troubleshoot the status of origin association validation. Additionally, edge://web-app-internals/ also have relevant information for debugging.

Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?No

Supported on Windows, MacOS, Linux, ChromeOS. Not supported on mobile platforms where app identity is implemented differently.

Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests?

Flag name on chrome://flags

Finch feature name

Non-finch justification

Requires code in //chrome?

Tracking bug

Estimated milestones
Dev Trial - 115
Origin Trial 120 or 121

Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status

Links to previous Intent discussions
Intent to prototype: 
Ready for Trial:

This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status.

Mike Taylor

2023/10/11 10:13:322023/10/11
To: Lu Huang、blink-dev

Hi there,

Could you clarify which milestones you would like to run the experiment on?


Goals for experimentationAllow app partners to experiment more broadly with the scope_extensions feature and provide feedback. We want to evaluate the shape of the scope_extensions API for ease of use and expose any corner cases. Specifically, we want to understand if origin-level granularity is sufficient without path filters. We will evaluate this based on feedback from OT participants. 
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Chris Harrelson

2023/10/11 10:54:512023/10/11
To: Mike Taylor、Lu Huang、blink-dev
Please also fill out the 3 other review categories (security, privacy, debuggability) in chromestatus.

Lu Huang

2023/10/11 17:12:092023/10/11
To: blink-dev、Chris Harrelson、Lu Huang、blink-dev、
We would like to start running this experiment from 120 through 123 inclusive, but may have to delay start to 121 running through 124. 

Lu Huang

2023/10/11 17:25:392023/10/11
To: blink-dev、Lu Huang、Chris Harrelson、blink-dev、
For the 3 review categories in chromestatus (security, privacy, and debuggability), I have clicked on request review but have not found a way to post comments from the UI.

For security and privacy, we have a self-review at:  manifest-incubations/ at gh-pages · WICG/manifest-incubations (
For debuggability, here are the survey responses until I find out how to add to the comments at chromestatus:

(1) Does the introduction of the new Web Platform feature break Chrome DevTools' existing developer experience? No. (2) Does Chrome DevTools' existing set of tooling features interact with the new Web Platform feature in an expected way?
Yes. (3) Would the new Web Platform feature's acceptance and/or adoption benefit from adding a new developer workflow to Chrome DevTools? Yes. If adopted, this new feature would benefit from new UI and tooling in the Application Page of Chrome DevTools. DevTools support can help developers determine if they have set up the web app association configuration correctly and if their specified scope_extensions are valid.

Mike Taylor

2023/10/12 13:11:292023/10/12
To: Jason Robbins、Chris Harrelson、Lu Huang、blink-dev

Jason, could you please work with Lu to figure out why he can't post comments in the chromestatus entry (but can request a review)?


Lu Huang

2023/10/16 12:00:082023/10/16
To: blink-dev、、Chris Harrelson、Lu Huang、blink-dev、
Quick update: 
We would like to push the start back to M121, and request that it run for 6 milestones initially.
First milestone: 121. 
Last milestone: 126.

Alex Russell

2023/10/16 13:32:282023/10/16
To: Lu Huang、blink-dev、、Chris Harrelson、
I'm supportive of this, but curious why 6 milestones. If there are partners signed up to provide feedback, can we summarize that input sooner than 6 months?



Lu Huang

2023/10/16 14:09:072023/10/16
To: blink-dev、、blink-dev、、Chris Harrelson、、Lu Huang
In this case, I want to make sure there's enough time for app partners to enroll in January when M121 reaches Stable and for us to help them troubleshoot the configuration needed. This feature requires more server-side configuration ( of /.well-known/web-app-origin-association) that could take time to troubleshoot than other web app manifest features in the past. 

If things go well and we get the desired feedback in time, we could try to move forward from OT before the 6 months are up. 

Lu Huang

2023/10/26 20:24:372023/10/26
To: blink-dev、Lu Huang、、blink-dev、、Chris Harrelson、
We have a LGTM from Chris in the chromestatus page "API Owners" section (see attached screenshot). I think this means we are ok to proceed, but please let me know if I am mistaken and we need an explicit LGTM in this thread. Thanks! 

Chris Harrelson

2023/10/26 20:37:552023/10/26
To: Lu Huang、blink-dev、、、
Yes, LGTM! Sorry for forgetting to email.

Lu Huang

2024/01/17 13:38:391月17日
To: blink-dev、Chris Harrelson、blink-dev、、、、Lu Huang
New update (Jan 17th, 2024):
We found and fixed a flag check bug in M121 Chrome Beta that prevented this feature from working correctly.

With M121 being past the point of accepting merges, we would like to change the OT to run from M122-127 (instead of the previously approved M121-126) please.
Any objections? 

Chris Harrelson

2024/01/17 14:05:021月17日
To: Lu Huang、blink-dev、、、
Sounds good to me. LGTM!

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