Release Notes for Service Worker in Chrome 44

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Matt Falkenhagen

Jul 10, 2015, 2:23:23 AM7/10/15

Here is a list of changes that pertain to Service Worker in Chrome 44, which is the current Beta channel.

New capabilities:

  • Support for Request.context (bug, spec).

API changes:

  • FetchEvent now inherits from ExtendableEvent and has a constructor (bug, spec).

  • For security purposes, opaque responses can no longer be used in response to client requests (bug, spec discussion).

  • The InstallEvent interface has been removed. The interface for the ‘install’ event has changed from InstallEvent to ExtendableEvent (bug, spec discussion).


  • Service Workers are now exposed in Chrome’s “Cookies set by this page” UI. Now users can see when their content settings allow or block Service Workers (bug).

  • Improve Service Worker startup success rate and fall back to network when it fails for a main resource load (bug).

DevTools related: (Note: I recommend using Dev channel or Canary for the latest DevTools experience)

  • Add the ‘--unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure’ command-line option for easier local development when using powerful features that require secure contexts (bug). Example: $ ./chrome --user-data-dir=/tmp/foo --unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure=

  • Support for deleting individual Cache Storage entries (bug).

  • Cache Storage is now inspectable from all frames, not just Service Worker (bug).

  • Fix a bug where console logging from a Service Worker in a regular window appears in an incognito window’s console (bug).

  • Exceptions from inside waitUntil() or respondWith() are now reported in the Service Worker console (bug).

  • To get a sneak peek of a “Service Worker explorer UI” we’re working on (experimental, UX reword underway but feedback still welcome), see these slides.

Bug fixes:

  • Fix a bug where Service Worker can get stuck in the STOPPING state (bug).

  • The full list of fixes is here.

Hiroki Nakagawa

Jul 17, 2015, 10:36:00 AM7/17/15
to Matt Falkenhagen,
2015-07-10 11:23 GMT+09:00 Matt Falkenhagen <>:

Here is a list of changes that pertain to Service Worker in Chrome 44, which is the current Beta channel.

New capabilities:

  • Support for Request.context (bug, spec).


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