Hello , Szymon
Thank you for the quick return.
I registered and I will test the API
www.projectoxford.ai speech I will summarize when it will work on my website.
and API chrome, I have a solution that allows me to remain in continuous mode, but it is very heavy and not really optimum.
it comes to a reset line to every problem or finalized, it is very ugly but I is no other solution:
recognition.onend = function() { console.log("CAS onend"); window.location.reload(); };
recognition.onerror = function() { console.log("CAS onerror"); window.location.reload(); };
recognition.onaudioend = function() { console.log("CAS onaudioend"); window.location.reload(); };
recognition.onnomatch = function() { console.log("CAS onnomatch"); window.location.reload(); };
recognition.onsoundend = function() { console.log("CAS onsoundend"); window.location.reload(); };
recognition.onspeechend = function() { console.log("CAS onspeechend"); window.location.reload(); };
in the loop result:
if (event.results [i] .isFinal) {
final_transcript event.results = [i] [0] .transcript;
// Write in this line mysql for this session http ok ... :::
console.log ( "CASE ok and reset api ... Line:" + final_transcript);
window.location.reload ();
} Else {
interim_transcript event.results + = [i] [0] .transcript;
I'll add a mysql in writing and proofreading for persitance after reload
But why it is also complicated?