Secure Shell (dev) released

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Robert Ginda

Aug 13, 2014, 4:05:16 PM8/13/14
to chromium-hterm
I've published Secure Shell (dev)

The most visible change here is that lines of text will appear 1 pixel closer to each other.  Previous versions added 1 pixel to the measured character height to compensate for a bug in Chrome that left behind artifacts of underscore characters in some fonts.  The downside of the hack was that in apps that used ASCII graphics, you'd notice the 1px margin above and below each row.

The underlying Chrome bug was fixed a while ago, and so we removed the + 1 pixel hack.  The upside of this change is that ASCII graphics should now look correct.  The downside is that some fonts still render their underscore below the reported character height.  Most notably, the version of "DejaVu Sans Mono" (the default hterm font on Linux) that ships on Ubuntu 12.04 will do this at certain font sizes.

If you run into this issue and it bothers you, you can try updating your font or selecting a different font face.

In other news, I don't the the update checking code from is working.  My instance of Secure Shell (dev) exited without warning when I clicked "Update extensions now".  If anyone sees an orange update arrow appear in the terminal window instead of an abrupt exit, please let me know.

Finally, a new feature for nethack addicts.  hterm now parses vt_tiledata sequences and decorates the resulting dom node with class="tile tile_X", where X is the tile data.  There are no tile-specific CSS rules by default, but you can create your own stylesheet and set it as the 'user-css' preference.

Changes from the hterm 1.48 changelog are:

* Place ruler text inside a span to fix issues on Firefox.
* Improve zoom keyboard handling on Mac and Firefox.
* Fix "CSI u" sequence.
* Remove the height + 1 underscore hack.
* Add parser routine and set css class for vt_tiledata support.  Users will
  still need to add a custom stylesheet to see vt tiles.
* Allow double-click selections to start with "." or "~".
* Disable terminal cursor hiding when vt mouse tracking is enabled.
* If the terminal cursor is hidden because it's under the mouse cursor, restore
  the visibility when the terminal cursor moves.


Aug 14, 2014, 7:29:01 AM8/14/14
Il giorno mercoledì 13 agosto 2014 22:05:16 UTC+2, rginda ha scritto:
Finally, a new feature for nethack addicts.  hterm now parses vt_tiledata sequences and decorates the resulting dom node with class="tile tile_X", where X is the tile data.  There are no tile-specific CSS rules by default, but you can create your own stylesheet and set it as the 'user-css' preference.

If you want to see this in action, feel free to choose a stylesheet from as your 'user-css', connect to a NetHack public server ( being the most famous one, or - disclaimer: I'm the admin - if you're in Europe) and enable the vt_tiledata option from the menu; with most fonts the only two tilesets that look good are geoduck and lagged, because they're meant to be more tall than wide; the other tilesets don't really work that well unless you're using a more square-ish font.

Sadly, Firefox shows some vertical black lines every once in a while, depending on the font and the font size; it's a result of subpixel rendering for text, I think, and I haven't figured out a way to get around that. :( It works flawlessly in Chrome, though.
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