Intent to Implement: Geometry Interfaces

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Jinho Bang

Jun 25, 2014, 12:51:27 PM6/25/14

Contact emails,,



The specification provides basic geometric interfaces to represent points, rectangles,

quadrilaterals and transformation matrices that can be used by other modules or specifications.

We will implement following things:

- DOMMatrix Interface

- DOMRect Interface

- DOMRectList Interface

- DOMQuad Interface

- DOMPoint interface


The SVG interfaces SVGPoint, SVGRect and SVGMatrix are aliasing the here defined interfaces

in favor for common interfaces used by SVG, Canvas 2D Context  and CSS Transforms.

Compatibility Risk

Low, These are already being implemented in Firefox and WebKit (Rik and Dirk)

Ongoing technical constraints


Will this feature be supported on all five Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS and Android)?


OWP launch tracking bug?

Link to entry on the feature dashboard

Requesting approval to ship?


Domenic Denicola

Jun 25, 2014, 1:03:07 PM6/25/14
On Wednesday, June 25, 2014 12:51:27 PM UTC-4, Jinho Bang wrote:

- DOMRectList Interface

We should not implement this. New fake-arrays are an antipattern. Raised in standards space by Anne at

I have also filed to add constructors to the *ReadOnly interfaces.

Rik Cabanier

Jun 25, 2014, 1:06:00 PM6/25/14
to Jinho Bang, blink-dev
On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 9:51 AM, Jinho Bang <> wrote:

Contact emails,,



The specification provides basic geometric interfaces to represent points, rectangles,

quadrilaterals and transformation matrices that can be used by other modules or specifications.

We will implement following things:

- DOMMatrix Interface

- DOMRect Interface

- DOMRectList Interface

- DOMQuad Interface

- DOMPoint interface


The SVG interfaces SVGPoint, SVGRect and SVGMatrix are aliasing the here defined interfaces

in favor for common interfaces used by SVG, Canvas 2D Context  and CSS Transforms.

Compatibility Risk

Low, These are already being implemented in Firefox and WebKit (Rik and Dirk)

FYI all these interfaces landed in Firefox and are available in the nightly builds.

Ongoing technical constraints


Will this feature be supported on all five Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS and Android)?


OWP launch tracking bug?

Link to entry on the feature dashboard

Requesting approval to ship?


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Dirk Schulze

Jun 25, 2014, 1:31:57 PM6/25/14
to Domenic Denicola,

On Jun 25, 2014, at 7:03 PM, Domenic Denicola <> wrote:

> On Wednesday, June 25, 2014 12:51:27 PM UTC-4, Jinho Bang wrote:
> - DOMRectList Interface

Thanks for filing the bug reports. I commented to all of them.

> We should not implement this. New fake-arrays are an antipattern. Raised in standards space by Anne at

DOMRectList has been an ArrayClass before. This was discussed and the WebIDL editor strongly suggested not to use ArrayClass. But the getter and the length attribute make it behave similar to arrays.

> I have also filed to add constructors to the *ReadOnly interfaces.

I commented on this bug report as well. There is no need for authors to construct a DOMRectReadOnly or any of the other interfaces. These interfaces are designed for the use by the UA directly. The UA can provide metrics that update live but are not modifiable by the author. Strong candidates to use these interfaces are CSSOM View[1] and SVG.



Boris Zbarsky

Jun 25, 2014, 2:57:10 PM6/25/14
to blink-dev
On 6/25/14, 1:29 PM, Dirk Schulze wrote:
> DOMRectList has been an ArrayClass before. This was discussed and the WebIDL editor strongly suggested not to use ArrayClass. But the getter and the length attribute make it behave similar to arrays.

I think the point Domenic is making is that the places that currently
return DOMRectList should just return a sequence<DOMRect>.

This is only viable if existing consumers don't use item() on these
lists, of course... Apart from that, I think returning a sequence here
is totally the way to go.


Domenic Denicola

Jun 25, 2014, 3:11:12 PM6/25/14
to Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
From: <> on behalf of Boris Zbarsky <bzba...@MIT.EDU>

> I think the point Domenic is making is that the places that currently return DOMRectList should just return a sequence<DOMRect>.

Yes, exactly.

When I originally wrote the email, I wasn't aware that there are parts of the platform already making use of DOMRectList, since my impression this was an intent to implement new interfaces. It looks like at the least getClientRects does; does anyone else?

I see two paths forward:

- If implementers are willing to try it, converting to a real array (WebIDL "sequence") would be ideal and greatly improve the developer experience.
- If we don't want to spend the time testing such a change (which is understandable), then I'd recommend DOMRectList get [NoInterfaceObject], and rename it LegacyGetClientRectsReturnValueType or some such so that it gets hidden as far away from developers as possible, and so no spec uses it in the future.

Rik Cabanier

Jun 25, 2014, 3:33:17 PM6/25/14
to Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev

Boris Zbarsky

Jun 25, 2014, 3:39:57 PM6/25/14
to Domenic Denicola, blink-dev
On 6/25/14, 3:11 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
> It looks like at the least getClientRects does; does anyone else?

Not that I can see. (Gecko has another use, but it's in an internal
paint-region event that's not standardized.)

Note that a possible viable option is to return an actual Array
subclass; then we can keep our item() method and all that.


Anne van Kesteren

Jun 25, 2014, 3:55:23 PM6/25/14
to Boris Zbarsky, Domenic Denicola, blink-dev
On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 9:39 PM, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:
> Note that a possible viable option is to return an actual Array subclass;
> then we can keep our item() method and all that.

I think we should consider that if there's more places we could use
such an Array.


Rik Cabanier

Jun 25, 2014, 4:05:23 PM6/25/14
to Anne van Kesteren, Boris Zbarsky, Domenic Denicola, blink-dev
Are you saying that we should replace the current API with a subclassed array class but only if this subclass will be used in other places? 

Also, does anyone know of other web platform classes that subclasses a javascript array?

Anne van Kesteren

Jun 25, 2014, 4:08:22 PM6/25/14
to Rik Cabanier, Boris Zbarsky, Domenic Denicola, blink-dev
On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 10:05 PM, Rik Cabanier <> wrote:
> Are you saying that we should replace the current API with a subclassed
> array class but only if this subclass will be used in other places?

I'm not sure introducing a subclass of Array with item() is worth it
for this specific legacy *List interface. But if we can replace a
bunch of them...

> Also, does anyone know of other web platform classes that subclasses a
> javascript array?

It's ES6 territory, so not implemented. But there's query()/queryAll()
that want it.


Erik Arvidsson

Jun 25, 2014, 4:17:16 PM6/25/14
to Rik Cabanier, Anne van Kesteren, Boris Zbarsky, Domenic Denicola, blink-dev
DOMExceptions have Error.prototype in their prototype chain but the instance is an exotic object and not an ordinary object.


Rik Cabanier

Jun 25, 2014, 5:32:19 PM6/25/14
to Anne van Kesteren, Boris Zbarsky, Domenic Denicola, blink-dev
On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 1:08 PM, Anne van Kesteren <> wrote:
On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 10:05 PM, Rik Cabanier <> wrote:
> Are you saying that we should replace the current API with a subclassed
> array class but only if this subclass will be used in other places?

I'm not sure introducing a subclass of Array with item() is worth it
for this specific legacy *List interface. But if we can replace a
bunch of them...

Given this, maybe we should just stick with the current definition.
If we decide later that it needs the additional array-like behavior, we can add it then.

I do agree with Dominic that we should make it a [NoInterfaceObject] object.

Domenic Denicola

Jun 25, 2014, 5:36:45 PM6/25/14
to Rik Cabanier, Anne van Kesteren, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
From: Rik Cabanier <>

> Given this, maybe we should just stick with the current definition.
> If we decide later that it needs the additional array-like behavior, we can add it then.

The question is, do we ever expect developers to use this type? If so, we should fix it as soon as is feasible (i.e., as soon as browser ship ES6 built-in subclassing). If no new code uses getClientRects(), e.g. because getBoxQuads() is better, then I guess we can just leave it as another warty old API.

> I do agree with Dominic that we should make it a [NoInterfaceObject] object.

We should also ensure no other specs ever use this type, with an appropriately-scary name, and probably a note in the spec as well.

Rik Cabanier

Jun 25, 2014, 5:56:15 PM6/25/14
to Domenic Denicola, Anne van Kesteren, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 2:36 PM, Domenic Denicola <> wrote:
From: Rik Cabanier <>

> Given this, maybe we should just stick with the current definition.
> If we decide later that it needs the additional array-like behavior, we can add it then.

The question is, do we ever expect developers to use this type? If so, we should fix it as soon as is feasible (i.e., as soon as browser ship ES6 built-in subclassing). If no new code uses getClientRects(), e.g. because getBoxQuads() is better, then I guess we can just leave it as another warty old API.

This is a legacy API. As you note, getBoxQuads() is the way forward and it returns a proper array.
> I do agree with Dominic that we should make it a [NoInterfaceObject] object.

We should also ensure no other specs ever use this type, with an appropriately-scary name, and probably a note in the spec as well.

I agree that we need a note, but changing the name seems like overkill,

Tab Atkins Jr.

Jun 25, 2014, 7:43:40 PM6/25/14
to Rik Cabanier, Domenic Denicola, Anne van Kesteren, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
Eh, names that clearly indicate legacy-ness are great; without it,
even with a note it's too easy for other spec authors to accidentally
use it. If they're forced to type a stupid-looking name when writing
their spec, they'll at least question their decision, and it'll jump
out at any reviewers.


Rik Cabanier

Jun 25, 2014, 11:01:29 PM6/25/14
to Tab Atkins Jr., Domenic Denicola, Anne van Kesteren, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
Are there examples where objects or methods were given names to indicate that they are legacy?
I worry about possible pushback if this would be the first one. 

Boris Zbarsky

Jun 25, 2014, 11:14:23 PM6/25/14
to Rik Cabanier, Tab Atkins Jr., Domenic Denicola, Anne van Kesteren, blink-dev
On 6/25/14, 11:01 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:
> Are there examples where objects or methods were given names to indicate
> that they are legacy?

Web IDL has "legacycaller".

Typically you don't get to change the name of something that is legacy
because people are depending on the existing name. We're just assuming
that in this case no one in fact depends on the name. If that's the
case, clearly labeling it as legacy makes sense to me.


Domenic Denicola

Jun 25, 2014, 11:53:45 PM6/25/14
to Boris Zbarsky, Rik Cabanier, Tab Atkins Jr., Anne van Kesteren, blink-dev
From: [] On Behalf Of Boris Zbarsky

> We're just assuming that in this case no one in fact depends on the name.

And notably, the CSSWG also assumes this, since they're changing it from ClientRectList to DOMRectList.

Rik Cabanier

Jun 26, 2014, 12:02:18 AM6/26/14
to Domenic Denicola, Boris Zbarsky, Tab Atkins Jr., Anne van Kesteren, blink-dev
WebKit/Blink currently use 'ClientRectList' while Mozilla always had 'DOMRectList'.
Given the feedback, we should rename DOMRectList to LegacyDOMRectList and put a note in the spec.

Dirk has some reservations about adding [NoInterfaceObject]. Is the intent of adding it just to discourage people from extending it?
We might run into compat issues since this object is available and not guarded by this flag.

Anne van Kesteren

Jun 26, 2014, 2:02:28 AM6/26/14
to Rik Cabanier, Domenic Denicola, Boris Zbarsky, Tab Atkins Jr., blink-dev
On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 6:02 AM, Rik Cabanier <> wrote:
> Dirk has some reservations about adding [NoInterfaceObject]. Is the intent
> of adding it just to discourage people from extending it?

From relying on it being there. So that e.g. we can introduce a
subclass of Array later or some such.

> We might run into compat issues since this object is available and not
> guarded by this flag.

We just discussed how it has different names across engines. We would
likely have already run into issues.


Rik Cabanier

Jun 26, 2014, 2:43:55 AM6/26/14
to Anne van Kesteren, Domenic Denicola, Boris Zbarsky, Tab Atkins Jr., blink-dev
Do you need to know the name? It seems you could use 'getProtoTypeOf' [1] to extend an instance.
I don't have data on people extending it that way though.

Dirk Schulze

Jun 26, 2014, 4:32:31 AM6/26/14
to Anne van Kesteren, Rik Cabanier, Domenic Denicola, Boris Zbarsky, Tab Atkins Jr., blink-dev
I do not really care about the name of the interface. Should everyone agree that DOMRectList must not be used with the exception of getClientRects than we can rename it to LegacyDOMRectList and Simon or I can clearly state the restrictions in the spec.

I am not sure if [NoInterfaceObject] is really relevant. After talking with Cameron again, he now thinks it is fine to use [ArrayClass]. However, since it seems that we don’t want to use DOMRectList anywhere else than for getClientRects, I would prefer going with the minimal subset implemented by all browsers. The currently specified behavior is the subset that is implemented by WebKit, Blink and Gecko (didn’t check IE yet).


> --

Ojan Vafai

Jul 15, 2014, 6:53:55 PM7/15/14
to Dirk Schulze, Anne van Kesteren, Rik Cabanier, Domenic Denicola, Boris Zbarsky, Tab Atkins Jr., blink-dev
The API owners discussed this and this sounds good to implement as there doesn't seem be significant opposition and the spec is in last call.

Personally, I'd really like to see the list vs array thing resolved before we ship though. I think it's really a bummer for us to ship  array-like types that don't have all the array built-ins. I'm not sure what the reason was for recommending not to use ArrayClass. I'd be happy with any solution that exposes array built-ins on the list, including sequence, ArrayClass or Boris's idea of using a subclass of array.


Jul 18, 2014, 5:29:35 PM7/18/14
to Rik Cabanier, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
Note that only the first link is a JavaScript file. The other two are C# and unrelated.


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Philip Rogers

Aug 26, 2014, 3:41:21 PM8/26/14
to PhistucK, Rik Cabanier, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
I am concerned about the performance of these APIs, particularly DOMMatrix.

A javascript polyfill will be faster than the native DOMMatrix as it's implemented today. I do not think we should be dropping performance landmines for graphics developers to trip over, even at the cost of making the APIs more complex (e.g., taking typed arrays instead of slow objects).

Is performance a concern? Can we do something better on the implementation side?

Rik Cabanier

Aug 26, 2014, 5:27:22 PM8/26/14
to Philip Rogers, PhistucK, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 12:40 PM, Philip Rogers <> wrote:
I am concerned about the performance of these APIs, particularly DOMMatrix.

A javascript polyfill will be faster than the native DOMMatrix as it's implemented today. I do not think we should be dropping performance landmines for graphics developers to trip over, even at the cost of making the APIs more complex (e.g., taking typed arrays instead of slow objects).

Is performance a concern?

It would be great to have some data on the performance. It's likely that crossing into the c++ side takes up more cycles than the actual implementation :-)
Jinho did want to implement it using blink-in-javascript but had to abandon that idea since it doesn't support constructors.
Can we do something better on the implementation side?

For the typical use case of querying the DOM or manipulating values in it, I doubt that this will have an impact since that wouldn't involve that many matrices (compared to something like WebGL)

Maybe we can do a simple benchmark that measures the duration of matrix operations?
With that information, we can guess how much time is spent in DOMMatrix when you animate a large number of elements at 60fps.

Philip Rogers

Aug 26, 2014, 6:01:31 PM8/26/14
to Rik Cabanier, PhistucK, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev

I've now read the webkit [1] and mozilla [2] threads on this topic and it looks like these issues have been covered before. I do not think we should ship the geometry interfaces in Blink. DOMMatrix and friends will be slow in Blink for the same reasons WebKit balked at them [3]. As the blink-in-js docs [4] say, blink-in-js should not be used for high-performance apis like this. Maybe we can use typed arrays for these APIs instead?

An alternative is to implement and standardize these interfaces as first-class citizens in Ecmascript.

Adam Barth

Aug 26, 2014, 8:05:38 PM8/26/14
to Rik Cabanier, Philip Rogers, PhistucK, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
On Tue Aug 26 2014 at 2:27:20 PM Rik Cabanier <> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 12:40 PM, Philip Rogers <> wrote:
I am concerned about the performance of these APIs, particularly DOMMatrix.

A javascript polyfill will be faster than the native DOMMatrix as it's implemented today. I do not think we should be dropping performance landmines for graphics developers to trip over, even at the cost of making the APIs more complex (e.g., taking typed arrays instead of slow objects).

Is performance a concern?

It would be great to have some data on the performance. It's likely that crossing into the c++ side takes up more cycles than the actual implementation :-)
Jinho did want to implement it using blink-in-javascript but had to abandon that idea since it doesn't support constructors.

To clarify: Blink-in-JS is not fast.  It's strictly slower than the current implementation.  Blink-in-JS is optimized for maintainability, not performance.


Rik Cabanier

Aug 27, 2014, 2:24:23 PM8/27/14
to Philip Rogers, PhistucK, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 3:01 PM, Philip Rogers <> wrote:

I've now read the webkit [1] and mozilla [2] threads on this topic and it looks like these issues have been covered before. I do not think we should ship the geometry interfaces in Blink. DOMMatrix and friends will be slow in Blink for the same reasons WebKit balked at them [3]. As the blink-in-js docs [4] say, blink-in-js should not be used for high-performance apis like this. Maybe we can use typed arrays for these APIs instead?

Like you said, we covered that approach in the past. Typed arrays are not author friendly and will need additional JS libraries to make them useful.
I also doubt that type arrays will be faster as the C++ side will now have to look into the JS VM to get the values out.

DOMMatrix as currently proposed, is basically a drop-in replacement of the existing SVGMatrix class along with some extra methods and abstractions to address its shortcomings. (I noticed that we didn't add DOMMatrixInit to the spec yet. It's a dictionary with the attributes of DOMMatrix and will be used in methods that take a DOMMatrix as an argument)
An alternative is to implement and standardize these interfaces as first-class citizens in Ecmascript.

I believe Dirk looked into this and it didn't look encouraging.

I think we need hard data to see if there's actually a problem. I will try to run some tests and come back with results.

Adam Barth

Aug 27, 2014, 2:32:14 PM8/27/14
to Rik Cabanier, Philip Rogers, PhistucK, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
On Wed Aug 27 2014 at 11:24:18 AM Rik Cabanier <> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 3:01 PM, Philip Rogers <> wrote:

I've now read the webkit [1] and mozilla [2] threads on this topic and it looks like these issues have been covered before. I do not think we should ship the geometry interfaces in Blink. DOMMatrix and friends will be slow in Blink for the same reasons WebKit balked at them [3]. As the blink-in-js docs [4] say, blink-in-js should not be used for high-performance apis like this. Maybe we can use typed arrays for these APIs instead?

Like you said, we covered that approach in the past. Typed arrays are not author friendly and will need additional JS libraries to make them useful.
I also doubt that type arrays will be faster as the C++ side will now have to look into the JS VM to get the values out.

DOMMatrix as currently proposed, is basically a drop-in replacement of the existing SVGMatrix class along with some extra methods and abstractions to address its shortcomings. (I noticed that we didn't add DOMMatrixInit to the spec yet. It's a dictionary with the attributes of DOMMatrix and will be used in methods that take a DOMMatrix as an argument)
An alternative is to implement and standardize these interfaces as first-class citizens in Ecmascript.

I believe Dirk looked into this and it didn't look encouraging.

What's not encouraging about it?  It would be a shame to not build the technically best solution.

I think we need hard data to see if there's actually a problem. I will try to run some tests and come back with results.


Rik Cabanier

Sep 3, 2014, 1:30:19 PM9/3/14
to Philip Rogers, PhistucK, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 3:01 PM, Philip Rogers <> wrote:

I've now read the webkit [1] and mozilla [2] threads on this topic and it looks like these issues have been covered before. I do not think we should ship the geometry interfaces in Blink. DOMMatrix and friends will be slow in Blink for the same reasons WebKit balked at them [3]. As the blink-in-js docs [4] say, blink-in-js should not be used for high-performance apis like this. Maybe we can use typed arrays for these APIs instead?

I wrote a small test case:
It applies a typical translate/scale/rotate sequence to a DOMMatrix and a JS equivalent.

Benchmarking this in Firefox Nightly (because the functionality is not in Chrome yet) shows that the JS implementation is 3 to 4 times faster. This is expected since crossing into the c++ side slows things down.

To make a more realistic case, I added another test that calls setLineDash with the JS array to simulate a DOM crossing. I verified that the C++ side just verifies the contents of that array and stores it in the canvas state. That test is almost twice as slow as the DOMMatrix test.
(I also tried typed arrays but they were slower than native JS arrays)

This tells me that there is no performance problem with DOMMatrix.

In addition, jsperf reports that on my core i-7 3.4 GHz, I can do 360,000 translate/scale/rotate sequences per second.
So, if I animate 100 objects simultaneously, DOMMatrix will only take up: 100 objects * 60fps / 360,0000 ops = 0.017s
An alternative is to implement and standardize these interfaces as first-class citizens in Ecmascript.

Yes, that is something that we could do if we discover that people use DOMMatrix so much that it becomes a bottleneck. 
However, since that has no effect on actual author code, it shouldn't stop us from implementing this in c++ today

Adam Barth

Sep 3, 2014, 4:06:32 PM9/3/14
to Rik Cabanier, Philip Rogers, PhistucK, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
On Wed Sep 03 2014 at 10:30:16 AM Rik Cabanier <> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 3:01 PM, Philip Rogers <> wrote:

I've now read the webkit [1] and mozilla [2] threads on this topic and it looks like these issues have been covered before. I do not think we should ship the geometry interfaces in Blink. DOMMatrix and friends will be slow in Blink for the same reasons WebKit balked at them [3]. As the blink-in-js docs [4] say, blink-in-js should not be used for high-performance apis like this. Maybe we can use typed arrays for these APIs instead?

I wrote a small test case:
It applies a typical translate/scale/rotate sequence to a DOMMatrix and a JS equivalent.

Benchmarking this in Firefox Nightly (because the functionality is not in Chrome yet) shows that the JS implementation is 3 to 4 times faster. This is expected since crossing into the c++ side slows things down.

To make a more realistic case, I added another test that calls setLineDash with the JS array to simulate a DOM crossing. I verified that the C++ side just verifies the contents of that array and stores it in the canvas state. That test is almost twice as slow as the DOMMatrix test.
(I also tried typed arrays but they were slower than native JS arrays)

This tells me that there is no performance problem with DOMMatrix.

3-4x slower seems like a performance problem...

In addition, jsperf reports that on my core i-7 3.4 GHz, I can do 360,000 translate/scale/rotate sequences per second.
So, if I animate 100 objects simultaneously, DOMMatrix will only take up: 100 objects * 60fps / 360,0000 ops = 0.017s

How long does it take on a phone?  Do you think the web platform can afford to give away 3-4x performance and still be competitive on mobile?


Rik Cabanier

Sep 3, 2014, 5:35:55 PM9/3/14
to Adam Barth, Philip Rogers, PhistucK, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 1:06 PM, Adam Barth <> wrote:
On Wed Sep 03 2014 at 10:30:16 AM Rik Cabanier <> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 3:01 PM, Philip Rogers <> wrote:

I've now read the webkit [1] and mozilla [2] threads on this topic and it looks like these issues have been covered before. I do not think we should ship the geometry interfaces in Blink. DOMMatrix and friends will be slow in Blink for the same reasons WebKit balked at them [3]. As the blink-in-js docs [4] say, blink-in-js should not be used for high-performance apis like this. Maybe we can use typed arrays for these APIs instead?

I wrote a small test case:
It applies a typical translate/scale/rotate sequence to a DOMMatrix and a JS equivalent.

Benchmarking this in Firefox Nightly (because the functionality is not in Chrome yet) shows that the JS implementation is 3 to 4 times faster. This is expected since crossing into the c++ side slows things down.

To make a more realistic case, I added another test that calls setLineDash with the JS array to simulate a DOM crossing. I verified that the C++ side just verifies the contents of that array and stores it in the canvas state. That test is almost twice as slow as the DOMMatrix test.
(I also tried typed arrays but they were slower than native JS arrays)

This tells me that there is no performance problem with DOMMatrix.

3-4x slower seems like a performance problem...

I talked to the mozilla people and this is a bug in the JIT in Firefox for Windows. 
On Mac and Linux, DOMMatrix is actually faster than the JS implementation with no DOM interaction.

I also added tests that use float arrays. They are about the same speed as DOMMatrix as long as you don't interact with the DOM. As soon as you cross the DOM, native JS is 4 to 5 times slower than DOMMatrix.

Test results:
Browser              |  Native  |   JS equivalent  | JS equivalent + DOM access | JS equivalent floatArray |  JS equivalent floatArray + DOM access
Firefox Mac            11.57            10.77                             7.88                                    11.78                                           3.27
FireFox Android       9.11              6.34                             1.89                                    14.08                                           0.52
Chrome Mac            NA                9.27                             3.46                                    10.7                                             3.08
Safari                       NA                9.28                             0.67                                    10.96                                           0.66

Across the board, you can see that interacting with the DOM has a significant impact on performance.
In addition, jsperf reports that on my core i-7 3.4 GHz, I can do 360,000 translate/scale/rotate sequences per second.
So, if I animate 100 objects simultaneously, DOMMatrix will only take up: 100 objects * 60fps / 360,0000 ops = 0.017s

How long does it take on a phone?  Do you think the web platform can afford to give away 3-4x performance and still be competitive on mobile?

With the latest numbers, DOMMatrix is much faster than going with a JS or float array implementation. 
It even rivals pure JS implementations if you use raw matrices.

In addition, one of DOMMatrix' main use cases it to interact with the CSS OM for matrix CSS transforms. 
Today people have to run regular expressions and stringifiers to get/set that information which is extremely slow. I can write another benchmark if you want precise numbers.

Boris Zbarsky

Sep 3, 2014, 7:21:46 PM9/3/14
to blink-dev
On 9/3/14, 5:35 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:
> I talked to the mozilla people and this is a bug in the JIT in Firefox
> for Windows.
> On Mac and Linux, DOMMatrix is actually faster than the JS
> implementation with no DOM interaction.

I doubt it's a bug in the JIT. It's the _native_ version that's slower
on Windows, not the JS version! In any case, it's definitely a
Windows-specific issue.

> I also added tests that use float arrays. They are about the same speed
> as DOMMatrix as long as you don't interact with the DOM. As soon as you
> cross the DOM, native JS is 4 to 5 times slower than DOMMatrix.

If you pass to a DOM method that expects a sequence<float>, sure: Gecko
doesn't have a fast path for convering a Float32Array to a
sequence<float> in the DOM bindings at the moment.


Rik Cabanier

Sep 3, 2014, 7:38:29 PM9/3/14
to Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 4:21 PM, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:
On 9/3/14, 5:35 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:
I talked to the mozilla people and this is a bug in the JIT in Firefox
for Windows.
On Mac and Linux, DOMMatrix is actually faster than the JS
implementation with no DOM interaction.

I doubt it's a bug in the JIT.  It's the _native_ version that's slower on Windows, not the JS version!  In any case, it's definitely a Windows-specific issue.

Yeah, I was a bit puzzled about that too when I logged the bug [1] . Maybe Olli misunderstood what code path was slow.
I also added tests that use float arrays. They are about the same speed
as DOMMatrix as long as you don't interact with the DOM. As soon as you
cross the DOM, native JS is 4 to 5 times slower than DOMMatrix.

If you pass to a DOM method that expects a sequence<float>, sure: Gecko doesn't have a fast path for convering a Float32Array to a sequence<float> in the DOM bindings at the moment.

I'll update the test so it calls into a real Float32Array method. This should be fast since you can just the pass the raw buffer, correct?

Rik Cabanier

Sep 3, 2014, 8:11:17 PM9/3/14
to Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
I updated the float array test so it calls into a WebGL call. [1]

The result is better, but DOMMatrix is now always the fastest. For some reason switching from Float64Array to Float32Array made the calculations slower.

Browser              |  Native  |   JS equivalent  | JS equivalent + DOM access | JS equivalent floatArray |  JS equivalent floatArray + DOM access
Firefox Mac            11.57            10.77                             7.88                         was: 11.78, now: 9.68         was: 3.27, now: 9.11

Adam Barth

Sep 3, 2014, 8:40:10 PM9/3/14
to Rik Cabanier, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
Can you benchmark this in Blink?  Performance numbers from Firefox aren't relevant to deciding how we should structure our implementation.

Rik Cabanier

Sep 4, 2014, 7:37:30 PM9/4/14
to Adam Barth, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 5:40 PM, Adam Barth <> wrote:
Can you benchmark this in Blink?  Performance numbers from Firefox aren't relevant to deciding how we should structure our implementation.

Jinho created a private build on ubuntu and ran the performance tests.
Test 7 calculates finite matrices while test 6 runs math on matrices that contain NaNs (This is what caused the regression in Firefox)
Higher numbers are better:
TryCount      Native      JS eq      JS eq + DOM      JS eq w/ FA       JS eq w/ FA + DOM
    1                34.25       29.61         13.61                    46.90                       29.89
    2                34.40       29.01         13.16                    46.01                       30.25
    3                34.40       26.97         13.19                    44.04                       30.69

TryCount      Native      JS eq      JS eq + DOM      JS eq w/ FA       JS eq w/ FA + DOM
    1               11.02        9.85          5.65                       7.46                        8.70
    2               10.83        9.32          5.51                       7.44                        8.83
    3               11.10       10.40         5.83                       7.34                        8.91

Note that DOMMatrix is the fastest everywhere when there's DOM access.

When just doing the math, the float array implementation is 30% faster. However, the current C++ DOMMatrix always applies the math to a 4x4 matrix, even for the 2D case so there's room for improvement on the C++ side. I believe this is what pdr was concerned about.

Adam Barth

Sep 4, 2014, 7:50:54 PM9/4/14
to Rik Cabanier, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
I'm not sure I understand.  From your table, "JS eq w/ FA" appears to be the fastest at dommatrix-perf/7, which is what I would expect.

I'm not sure I understand how the "+ DOM" condition relates.  You appear to be comparing against the "Native" condition, which doesn't do the same thing (e.g., it's missing the call to gl.uniform2fv).  Wouldn't it be appropriate to compare "JS eq w/ FA + DOM" with "Native + DOM"?


Adam Barth

Sep 4, 2014, 7:55:17 PM9/4/14
to Rik Cabanier, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
In any case, now we're only talking about 1.3x, which doesn't seem like a big deal.  We need to make the bindings faster so that there's less overhead to leaving the VM, but that work doesn't need to block DOMMatric.


Rik Cabanier

Sep 4, 2014, 8:08:56 PM9/4/14
to Adam Barth, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 4:50 PM, Adam Barth <> wrote:
I'm not sure I understand.  From your table, "JS eq w/ FA" appears to be the fastest at dommatrix-perf/7, which is what I would expect.

I'm not sure I understand how the "+ DOM" condition relates.  You appear to be comparing against the "Native" condition, which doesn't do the same thing (e.g., it's missing the call to gl.uniform2fv).  Wouldn't it be appropriate to compare "JS eq w/ FA + DOM" with "Native + DOM"?

DOMMatrix already lives on the DOM side.
For instance, canvas 2D has the currentTransform attribute [1].
An author could hold on to a reference of that object and use it to change the matrix of the canvas context without making call on the context itself.

I don't think you can do that with a floatarray (but I could be wrong)

Rik Cabanier

Sep 4, 2014, 8:12:08 PM9/4/14
to Adam Barth, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 4:55 PM, Adam Barth <> wrote:
In any case, now we're only talking about 1.3x, which doesn't seem like a big deal.  We need to make the bindings faster so that there's less overhead to leaving the VM, but that work doesn't need to block DOMMatric.

Yes, there seems to be a problem on the blink side.
Running this benchmark, Firefox is about 3 times faster which can't be explained by just more efficient matrix math. 

Adam Barth

Sep 4, 2014, 8:13:10 PM9/4/14
to Rik Cabanier, Boris Zbarsky, blink-dev
We could change the DOM to accept matrices represented in array buffers.  If I were designing the system, that's probably what I would do.


Jinho Bang

Sep 4, 2014, 8:43:11 PM9/4/14

2014년 9월 5일 금요일 오전 9시 12분 8초 UTC+9, Rik Cabanier 님의 말:

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 4:55 PM, Adam Barth <> wrote:
In any case, now we're only talking about 1.3x, which doesn't seem like a big deal.  We need to make the bindings faster so that there's less overhead to leaving the VM, but that work doesn't need to block DOMMatric.

Yes, there seems to be a problem on the blink side.
Running this benchmark, Firefox is about 3 times faster which can't be explained by just more efficient matrix math. 

I believe Native implementation can be faster than JS implementation(in the jsperf test) because they are not full equivalent.
Actual JS implementation should consider more things such as function overloading, exception handling and so on. therefore it can be slow than now.
However, we still need to improve bindings.

Philip Rogers

Sep 5, 2014, 6:34:31 PM9/5/14
to Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth, Boris Zbarsky

People in this very thread believe "native is faster" and I couldn't blame someone for using DOMMatrix over glMatrix/Sylvester/etc when we've guided them there with our DOM interfaces. Users will quickly learn they have to write FastDOMMatrix libraries (or add .toDOMMatrix() to existing ones) which makes DOMMatrix little more than a tasty syntax sugar performance trap. The canvas APIs on Android use Matrix; why does ours have to be inferior?

Your DOMMatrix performance numbers look much different than mine.
(Chrome 39.0.2147.0 / OSX with Jinho's rotate patch applied)

Javascript multiplySelf - 72,402,124 ops/s
DOMMatrix multiplySelf - 3,079,299 ops/s

Javascript rotateSelf - 14,340,176 ops/s
DOMMatrix rotateSelf - 1,175,006 ops/s

Javascript translateSelf - 86,842,312 ops/s
DOMMatrix translateSelf - 2,869,811 ops/s

Javascript scaleSelf - 85,933,628 ops/s
DOMMatrix scaleSelf - 2,842,229 ops/s

(these tests technically run two ops per loop)

Elliott Sprehn

Sep 5, 2014, 7:00:23 PM9/5/14
to Philip Rogers, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth, Boris Zbarsky
Can the native one use SSE or Neon?

Rik Cabanier

Sep 5, 2014, 7:03:07 PM9/5/14
to Elliott Sprehn, Philip Rogers, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth, Boris Zbarsky
On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 3:59 PM, Elliott Sprehn <> wrote:
Can the native one use SSE or Neon?

The issue is not the matrix calculations but crossing the C++ layers.
We could add a "combining" API that does executes scale/rotate/translate to mitigate this somewhat.

Rik Cabanier

Sep 5, 2014, 7:36:29 PM9/5/14
to Philip Rogers, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth, Boris Zbarsky
On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Philip Rogers <> wrote:

People in this very thread believe "native is faster" and I couldn't blame someone for using DOMMatrix over glMatrix/Sylvester/etc when we've guided them there with our DOM interfaces. Users will quickly learn they have to write FastDOMMatrix libraries (or add .toDOMMatrix() to existing ones) which makes DOMMatrix little more than a tasty syntax sugar performance trap.

The whole point of DOMMatrix is to interact with the object that live on the C++ side. Your tests never cross the boundary so they are not how DOMMatrix would be used in the real world.

Moreover, most (all?) graphics libraries offer a matrix abstraction. It would be terrible if the web platform forces authors to write their own or download additional libraries to handle matrices in SVG, Canvas and CSS. (Rational platform etc)

DOMMatrix does have a conversion method to go to a floatArray but that will likely be slow. Maybe we can provide a get/setFloatArray method?
The canvas APIs on Android use Matrix; why does ours have to be inferior?

What canvas API on Android are you referring to? WebGL?
Your DOMMatrix performance numbers look much different than mine.
(Chrome 39.0.2147.0 / OSX with Jinho's rotate patch applied)

Javascript multiplySelf - 72,402,124 ops/s
DOMMatrix multiplySelf - 3,079,299 ops/s

Javascript rotateSelf - 14,340,176 ops/s
DOMMatrix rotateSelf - 1,175,006 ops/s

Javascript translateSelf - 86,842,312 ops/s
DOMMatrix translateSelf - 2,869,811 ops/s

Javascript scaleSelf - 85,933,628 ops/s
DOMMatrix scaleSelf - 2,842,229 ops/s

(these tests technically run two ops per loop)

You're basically testing DOM performance. What happens if you try to use those matrices?
On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 5:43 PM, Jinho Bang <> wrote:

2014년 9월 5일 금요일 오전 9시 12분 8초 UTC+9, Rik Cabanier 님의 말:

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 4:55 PM, Adam Barth <> wrote:
In any case, now we're only talking about 1.3x, which doesn't seem like a big deal.  We need to make the bindings faster so that there's less overhead to leaving the VM, but that work doesn't need to block DOMMatric.

Yes, there seems to be a problem on the blink side.
Running this benchmark, Firefox is about 3 times faster which can't be explained by just more efficient matrix math. 

I believe Native implementation can be faster than JS implementation(in the jsperf test) because they are not full equivalent.
Actual JS implementation should consider more things such as function overloading, exception handling and so on. therefore it can be slow than now.
However, we still need to improve bindings.

Philip Rogers

Sep 5, 2014, 10:29:18 PM9/5/14
to Rik Cabanier, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth, Boris Zbarsky

It may have gotten lost in all of my complaining, but I do support these interfaces in general. My issue is only with the performance in implementations.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled complaining.. Responses in-line below.

On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 4:36 PM, Rik Cabanier <> wrote:

On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Philip Rogers <> wrote:

People in this very thread believe "native is faster" and I couldn't blame someone for using DOMMatrix over glMatrix/Sylvester/etc when we've guided them there with our DOM interfaces. Users will quickly learn they have to write FastDOMMatrix libraries (or add .toDOMMatrix() to existing ones) which makes DOMMatrix little more than a tasty syntax sugar performance trap.

The whole point of DOMMatrix is to interact with the object that live on the C++ side. Your tests never cross the boundary so they are not how DOMMatrix would be used in the real world.

DOMMatrix is going to be used as more than just an interface with the DOM. DOMMatrix appears across our graphics APIs (canvas, svg, etc). If you were new to javascript, it would be natural for you to use the same matrix class for everything.

Imagine you are a Java developer bringing a graphics application over to the web. How are you supposed to know that you should use DOMMatrix for setting the transform on your 2d canvas context, but not for filtering each pixel?


Moreover, most (all?) graphics libraries offer a matrix abstraction. It would be terrible if the web platform forces authors to write their own or download additional libraries to handle matrices in SVG, Canvas and CSS. (Rational platform etc)

Exactly! What other platform puts an extra slow matrix class on their APIs? Android has Matrix which is used directly with Canvas.


DOMMatrix does have a conversion method to go to a floatArray but that will likely be slow. Maybe we can provide a get/setFloatArray method?
The canvas APIs on Android use Matrix; why does ours have to be inferior?

What canvas API on Android are you referring to? WebGL?
Your DOMMatrix performance numbers look much different than mine.
(Chrome 39.0.2147.0 / OSX with Jinho's rotate patch applied)

Javascript multiplySelf - 72,402,124 ops/s
DOMMatrix multiplySelf - 3,079,299 ops/s

Javascript rotateSelf - 14,340,176 ops/s
DOMMatrix rotateSelf - 1,175,006 ops/s

Javascript translateSelf - 86,842,312 ops/s
DOMMatrix translateSelf - 2,869,811 ops/s

Javascript scaleSelf - 85,933,628 ops/s
DOMMatrix scaleSelf - 2,842,229 ops/s

(these tests technically run two ops per loop)

You're basically testing DOM performance. What happens if you try to use those matrices?

I don't understand this argument. The expensive parts of this interface in both Chromium and Webkit are the bindings. Only DOMMatrix requires that you cross this layer for regular math operations too. Is context.setTransform(DOMMatrix) faster than context.setTransform(Float32Array)?

Rik Cabanier

Oct 27, 2014, 5:31:03 PM10/27/14
to Philip Rogers, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth, Boris Zbarsky
On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 7:28 PM, Philip Rogers <> wrote:

It may have gotten lost in all of my complaining, but I do support these interfaces in general. My issue is only with the performance in implementations.

Picking this up again.
Do you have a counter proposal on how this could be implemented better?

Philip Rogers

Oct 27, 2014, 5:34:17 PM10/27/14
to Rik Cabanier, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth, Boris Zbarsky

Yes, an alternative is to implement and standardize these interfaces as first-class citizens in Ecmascript.

Domenic Denicola

Oct 27, 2014, 5:41:09 PM10/27/14
to Philip Rogers, Rik Cabanier, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth, Boris Zbarsky
From: [] On Behalf Of Philip Rogers

> Yes, an alternative is to implement and standardize these interfaces as first-class citizens in Ecmascript.

Why is the standards body where the work gets done relevant to how these interfaces perform in Chrome?

Is this actually a technical issue, of whether they should be implemented in V8 or in Blink? If so, I'll note we had a similar discussion earlier with Streams.

In general it would be good to have a plan for implementing web features "in V8." (More likely: we'd want to implement features like this using the same self-hosting mechanisms we would use while implementing built-ins in V8, but without actually perturbing the V8 code base.)

Rik Cabanier

Oct 27, 2014, 5:41:53 PM10/27/14
to Philip Rogers, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth, Boris Zbarsky
On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 2:33 PM, Philip Rogers <> wrote:

Yes, an alternative is to implement and standardize these interfaces as first-class citizens in Ecmascript.

I don't understand how this would be a solution.
Yes, just doing the manipulation just on the JS side would be faster, but the C++ side that has to observe these values would become much slower. This slowdown would happen even if you make no change.
Could you elaborate how the bindings would look? Someone proposed this for Firefox and bz had the same concern [1]

Boris Zbarsky

Oct 27, 2014, 5:45:43 PM10/27/14
to Rik Cabanier, Philip Rogers, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth
On 10/27/14, 5:41 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:
> Could you elaborate how the bindings would look? Someone proposed this
> for Firefox and bz had the same concern [1]

That was a different concern. That proposal was more akin to the way
Blink-in-JS works, which involves going from JS into C++ and back out
into JS running in a different security context.


Philip Rogers

Oct 27, 2014, 5:46:19 PM10/27/14
to Domenic Denicola, Rik Cabanier, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth, Boris Zbarsky

Yeah, I was jumping ahead a bit there. Implementing DOMMatrix "in V8" is all I intended. I agree that it would be good to figure out how to do these in general.

Philip Rogers

Oct 27, 2014, 5:53:01 PM10/27/14
to Rik Cabanier, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth, Boris Zbarsky

If we want to use a DOMMatrix in the DOM, we have to cross the bindings layer at least once. The current implementation crosses this boundary for every math operation, but in theory it only needs to for the setters/getters.

Rik Cabanier

Oct 27, 2014, 6:37:19 PM10/27/14
to Philip Rogers, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth, Boris Zbarsky
On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 2:52 PM, Philip Rogers <> wrote:

If we want to use a DOMMatrix in the DOM, we have to cross the bindings layer at least once. The current implementation crosses this boundary for every math operation, but in theory it only needs to for the setters/getters.

A DOMMatrix setter/getter or setter/getter of its attributes?

SVG [1] and Canvas [2] both have live matrix objects that reflect C++ state and vice versa. It's likely that we'll have something similar in CSSOM in the future. How would you implement them efficiently?

Rik Cabanier

Oct 27, 2014, 7:13:45 PM10/27/14
to Boris Zbarsky, Philip Rogers, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth
ah, I misunderstood the conversation.
What do you think about implementing DOMMatrix in the JS world? 

Boris Zbarsky

Oct 27, 2014, 10:09:39 PM10/27/14
to Rik Cabanier, Philip Rogers, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth
On 10/27/14, 6:42 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:
> What do you think about implementing DOMMatrix in the JS world?

My gut feeling, not having thought about this deeply, is that using the
same sort of object for "the thing that you can do fast matrix
computations with" and "the thing that's a live object that reflects,
and possibly lets you modify, internal engine layout/graphics state" is
probably difficult. In particular those use cases require different
backing stores for the data (probably at least three different ones, for
the cases of fast computation, live reading, and writing).


Philip Rogers

Oct 28, 2014, 2:08:56 AM10/28/14
to Boris Zbarsky, Rik Cabanier, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth
I thought these interfaces were primarily for non-live "dead simple?" objects and any liveness was only for backwards compatibility. Is that not the case? Without live updating, there is a performance benefit to keeping the data in JS.

Are there dependent specs with new geometry APIs that have live requirements?

Rik Cabanier

Oct 28, 2014, 12:47:47 PM10/28/14
to Philip Rogers, Boris Zbarsky, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth
On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 11:08 PM, Philip Rogers <> wrote:
I thought these interfaces were primarily for non-live "dead simple?" objects and any liveness was only for backwards compatibility. Is that not the case?

Without live updating, there is a performance benefit to keeping the data in JS.
Are there dependent specs with new geometry APIs that have live requirements?

DOMMatrix is designed as a drop-in replacement for SVG matrix which has a live requirement.
The Canvas specifies 'currentTransform' which is also live. [1] 

The big incentive for DOMMatrix is to manipulate a CSS transform which has not been defined yet. I believe it would be more author friendly if you could manipulate a transform with a live object.

Rik Cabanier

Oct 28, 2014, 2:02:50 PM10/28/14
to Philip Rogers, Boris Zbarsky, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth
To be clear: I have no issue if this is implemented this in V8.
I don't know how the V8 interface with the C++ would look like if it were a native type. If someone can assure me that this is a low-cost operation, that would definitely be the way to go.
(The only information I found was the thread on blink-dev that states sharing state is difficult but this might not apply to a simple type like DOMMatrix) [1] 

Philip Rogers

Oct 29, 2014, 1:00:24 PM10/29/14
to Rik Cabanier, Boris Zbarsky, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth
We should not be adding new live geometry APIs because they are slow-by-default. It's possible to build LiveDOMRect polyfills on static DOMRect and vice-versa; new APIs should be the fast-by-default versions (not live). Live APIs are slower, more complex, and difficult to implement properly (see the never ending SVG DOM security and stability issues).

I'm sympathetic to keeping live APIs in backwards-compat cases. My new year's wishlist has fast geometry objects implemented in V8, non-live APIs for using them (except in backwards-compat cases), and a unified set of interfaces that work across SVG and CSS.

Rik Cabanier

Oct 30, 2014, 5:52:32 PM10/30/14
to Philip Rogers, Boris Zbarsky, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth
On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 10:00 AM, Philip Rogers <> wrote:
We should not be adding new live geometry APIs because they are slow-by-default. It's possible to build LiveDOMRect polyfills on static DOMRect and vice-versa; new APIs should be the fast-by-default versions (not live). Live APIs are slower, more complex, and difficult to implement properly (see the never ending SVG DOM security and stability issues).

Yes, they've certainly proven to be problematic in the past. 
I do think that authors like live objects so we should't shut the door on having such APIs in the future.
I'm sympathetic to keeping live APIs in backwards-compat cases. My new year's wishlist has fast geometry objects implemented in V8, non-live APIs for using them (except in backwards-compat cases), and a unified set of interfaces that work across SVG and CSS.

That sounds good.
Are you offering to implement this, or should Jinho and I investigate it?

Anne van Kesteren

Oct 30, 2014, 6:52:31 PM10/30/14
to Rik Cabanier, Philip Rogers, Boris Zbarsky, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth
On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 10:52 PM, Rik Cabanier <> wrote:
> I do think that authors like live objects so we should't shut the door on
> having such APIs in the future.

Is that actually true? Feedback on the DOM has been pretty constant in
asking for less "liveness". Live data structures are quite a bit
harder to reason about.


Rik Cabanier

Oct 30, 2014, 7:38:46 PM10/30/14
to Anne van Kesteren, Philip Rogers, Boris Zbarsky, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth
On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 3:52 PM, Anne van Kesteren <> wrote:
On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 10:52 PM, Rik Cabanier <> wrote:
> I do think that authors like live objects so we should't shut the door on
> having such APIs in the future.

Is that actually true?

I don't have hard data on this.
For instance, if you get an element from the DOM, you can just change it. 
You don't have to get it, change it and then replace the old one. 

I defer to the JS experts here.
Feedback on the DOM has been pretty constant in
asking for less "liveness". Live data structures are quite a bit
harder to reason about.

Yes, implementing and specifying it is definitely much harder.

Daniel Bratell

Oct 31, 2014, 5:29:44 AM10/31/14
to Anne van Kesteren, Rik Cabanier, Philip Rogers, Boris Zbarsky, Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Adam Barth
On Fri, 31 Oct 2014 00:38:41 +0100, Rik Cabanier <> wrote:

On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 3:52 PM, Anne van Kesteren <> wrote:
On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 10:52 PM, Rik Cabanier <> wrote:
> I do think that authors like live objects so we should't shut the door on
> having such APIs in the future.

Is that actually true?

I don't have hard data on this.
For instance, if you get an element from the DOM, you can just change it. 
You don't have to get it, change it and then replace the old one. 

I think the difference here would be similar to what you pass-by-reference and what you would copy around in C/C++.

You don't want your low level objects, like numbers or strings or arrays to morph under you, while you want to be able to modify and read data directly from high level objects like elements and documents.

A matrix is a pretty low level object, as is the string-value pairs in CSS, and unless it would be stupid to pass around copies of them, I think passing around non-live copies is the most efficient.


Oct 28, 2015, 5:37:26 PM10/28/15
to blink-dev,,,,
If you were new to javascript, it would be natural for you to use the same matrix class for everything.

I think DOMMatrix is a bad name, because, yes, as a web author I want simplicity, and yes, I want a single matrix class I can use everywhere, including in WebGL, and somehow the term "DOM" seems out of place inside WebGL.

Oct 28, 2015, 5:37:57 PM10/28/15
to blink-dev
I think a better name might be "TransformationMatrix".

Jinho Bang

Nov 16, 2015, 4:33:21 AM11/16/15
to blink-dev,,,,
Hi Domenic and Philip,

I attended the BlinkOn5 lastweek, got to know V8 extras in lightening talk time.

I think we can implement geometry interfaces using V8 Extras without performance drop from crossing binding layer.

What do you think?

Jinho Bang

Nov 16, 2015, 4:40:33 AM11/16/15
to blink-dev

Philip Rogers

Nov 16, 2015, 1:04:19 PM11/16/15
to Jinho Bang, blink-dev, Ian Kilpatrick
I thought the same thing when watching that talk :) V8 extras seems like a great solution for making these objects performant and easily implementable.

I think this spec still needs a little work to not have 'live' objects though. The Houdini folks are working on layout APIs that just return simple POD objects and I think that would be more appropriate for these objects as well.

Simon Pieters

Nov 17, 2015, 5:36:02 AM11/17/15
to Jinho Bang, Philip Rogers,, Ian Kilpatrick, Robert O'Callahan
Moving to public-fx (blink-dev in bcc).

On Mon, 16 Nov 2015 19:03:55 +0100, Philip Rogers <> wrote:

> I thought the same thing when watching that talk :) V8 extras seems like
> a
> great solution for making these objects performant and easily
> implementable.
> I think this spec still needs a little work to not have 'live' objects
> though. The Houdini folks are working on layout APIs that just return
> simple POD objects and I think that would be more appropriate for these
> objects as well.

I thought this had been discussed in the past, but I can't find anything
now. Only which
isn't asking for non-liveness.

The only live object is DOMQuad#bounds, I believe.

What are the pros and cons for live vs non-live for this object?
Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Domenic Denicola

Nov 18, 2015, 2:27:48 PM11/18/15
to Jinho Bang, blink-dev,,,

Hi Jinho! I'm glad you found the talk helpful. I agree that the geometry interfaces seem like a pretty ideal case where V8 extras can help.

It's not going to be trivial; in addition to the rough edges around debugging that I'm still working through, I can see a couple issues that will be a bit tricky:

- Making sure to match IDL semantics without the help of the binding generator. Thankfully the geometry spec does not have many requirements here; the use of `unrestricted double` everywhere is great because it means you can just use normal JS numbers with no conversion necessary.

- Integration into the bindings so that other Web IDL-implemented APIs can easily return DOMPoints etc., despite DOMPoint etc. not being defined in IDL. Streams is going through a similar thing and I'd be happy to work with you on making sure our solutions align.

I'd encourage starting with the simpler types (DOMPointReadOnly and DOMPoint) and once we get through those it'll hopefully be smooth sailing for the rest. I'd be happy to be looped in on any code reviews or answer any questions you have.

From: <> on behalf of Jinho Bang <>
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2015 04:33
To: blink-dev
Subject: Re: [blink-dev] Re: Intent to Implement: Geometry Interfaces
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Simon Pieters

Dec 14, 2015, 7:51:58 AM12/14/15
to Jinho Bang, Philip Rogers, blink-dev, Ian Kilpatrick
On Mon, 16 Nov 2015 19:03:55 +0100, Philip Rogers <> wrote:

> I thought the same thing when watching that talk :) V8 extras seems like
> a
> great solution for making these objects performant and easily
> implementable.
> I think this spec still needs a little work to not have 'live' objects
> though.

I forwarded this to public-fx and I have now changed the spec to not have
live objects in the base API:

Note though that other specs might require liveness, in particular SVG:

> The Houdini folks are working on layout APIs that just return
> simple POD objects and I think that would be more appropriate for these
> objects as well.
> On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 1:40 AM, Jinho Bang <>
> wrote:
>> V8 Extras:

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