Intent to Extend Origin Trial: Feature Policy Reporting

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Ian Clelland

Jun 17, 2019, 9:25:35 PM6/17/19
to blink-dev Specification: Enable reporting of feature policy violations through the Reporting API. We would like to ensure that the violation reports are useful to developers, and verify that report-only mode can be used to test out policies before actually putting them in place. There are a number of limits in place for privacy reasons (we've removed the ability to gather aggregate reports from subframes, and ensured that reporting in general cannot be imposed on subframes) and would like to validate that the API is still useful, both to developers and to analytics providers. Also, the report-only syntax has changed since the initial explainer, and we'd like to verify that the new header makes sense. Starting with M73, and continuing until Mid-October 2019, before M78 reaches stable. We are launching an origin trial for unoptimized image policies with Chrome M76, and one of our goals is to get our partners for that trial to try to use violation reporting along with those policies. There are also some partners who only recently started experimenting with reporting, and we would like to give them additional time to experiment to get better feedback from them. We would like to extend the experiment for two releases, until just before Chrome M78 reaches stable. (October 2019) None This is as debuggable as the Reporting API generally. Chrome includes a network trace gatherer, which can be used with an external trace viewer to debug reporting issues. We're not looking at adding any specific DevTools requirements for FP reporting. Yes Yes

Yoav Weiss

Jun 18, 2019, 4:26:08 AM6/18/19
to Ian Clelland, blink-dev
On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 11:25 PM Ian Clelland <> wrote: Specification: Enable reporting of feature policy violations through the Reporting API. We would like to ensure that the violation reports are useful to developers, and verify that report-only mode can be used to test out policies before actually putting them in place. There are a number of limits in place for privacy reasons (we've removed the ability to gather aggregate reports from subframes, and ensured that reporting in general cannot be imposed on subframes) and would like to validate that the API is still useful, both to developers and to analytics providers. Also, the report-only syntax has changed since the initial explainer, and we'd like to verify that the new header makes sense.

Any results from the experimentation so far?
Starting with M73, and continuing until Mid-October 2019, before M78 reaches stable. We are launching an origin trial for unoptimized image policies with Chrome M76, and one of our goals is to get our partners for that trial to try to use violation reporting along with those policies. There are also some partners who only recently started experimenting with reporting, and we would like to give them additional time to experiment to get better feedback from them. We would like to extend the experiment for two releases, until just before Chrome M78 reaches stable. (October 2019)

That would make the experiment run for 6 milestones in a row, which reaches some limits the API owners discussed in the past. The level of risk for experimental bake-in seems low to me, but let me verify:
* Are there any experimentation partners that rely on the experiment in some way for their production traffic?
* How sad would you and/or your partners be if the experiment is e.g. not renewed for M77, but renewed afterwards?

None This is as debuggable as the Reporting API generally. Chrome includes a network trace gatherer, which can be used with an external trace viewer to debug reporting issues. We're not looking at adding any specific DevTools requirements for FP reporting. Yes Yes

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Yoav Weiss

Jul 4, 2019, 7:27:10 AM7/4/19
to Ian Clelland, blink-dev
Friendly ping! :)

Ian Clelland

Jul 18, 2019, 7:41:29 PM7/18/19
to Yoav Weiss, blink-dev
Sorry for the delay on that, Yoav. To answer the specific questions:

1. We have had 20 registrations, with 4 renewals so far, so very little solid data so far.
2. I do not believe that anyone is relying on this in production (I hope not, that would go against the spirit of origin trials)
3. I might be a little sad, but I'd get over it. There aren't any partners who have been working closely with our team, or who have reached out to say that they need this uninterrupted. The partners who we were expecting to start with the image policies were not eventually able to work with the timelines that were in place for that trial, so I expect that they will also not be unduly affected.

There has been a lot of work recently on reshaping Feature Policy, possibly into a couple of different mechanisms, and as such, the integration with reporting is almost certainly going to end up in a different form than what this trial has exposed.

I think that given that ongoing work, we would be okay with letting this trial lapse, and re-introducing a new trial in the future when we have a more solid direction for the image policies, and other performance-related document policies.

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