Goals for experimentation
Is there sufficient interest in access to this information from app developers to drive this feature towards standardization and shipping?
The notification deduplication use-case is back on the table, with a developer who believes it'll be sufficient to use this API at subscription time, removing the (immediate) need to expose this in a Service Worker. That continues to be a consideration, as is a suggestion from another developer about exposing the version number of the installed application. To my understanding, neither is a hard blocker right now.
Experimental timeline
M77 - M79
Any risks when the experiment finishes?
None. We are considering adding the ability to access the installed app's version to the result dictionary, but this will not create backward compatibility concerns.
Reason this experiment is being extended
Recent interest from a larger group of partners, for whom finishing the experiment after M76 would be too soon to really try out the feature.
Ongoing technical constraints
Relies on specific features of Android, so is only available on that platform at the moment.
Will this feature be supported on all five Blink platforms supported by Origin Trials (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, and Android)?
No. This feature is specific to Android.