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Tag review:
The HTML spec specifies that HTMLMediaElements have the srcObject attribute, which makes it possible to associate a MediaProvider with the media element. A MediaProvider can be a MediaStream, MediaSource or Blob.
This intent covers the addition of an srcObject attribute to HTMLMediaElement with support for the MediaStream type. We start with MediaStream specifically because it is the only type currently supported by other major browsers, but the goal is to provide support for the other types in the future.
Recent updates to blink dependency rules make it easier to add support for the other types.
Link to “Intent to Implement” blink-dev discussion!topic/blink-dev/D20_5X-2nCk
Is this feature supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?
Interoperability and Compatibility Risk
The addition of the MediaStream-only srcObject attribute improves interoperability, as it makes Blink more compliant with the spec and more compatible with WebKit, Edge and Firefox, which already support the attribute. The lack of support for Blob and MediaSource does not introduce interoperability problems, as the other browsers do not support them either. Only Firefox has shown explicit signals in favor of supporting those types in the near future.
We do not anticipate any compatibility risk, as the existing mechanism to support similar functionality (URL.createObjectURL() together with the src attribute) will continue to be supported, so existing applications do not need to be rewritten.
OWP launch tracking bug
Link to entry on the feature dashboard
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