Intent to Ship: “allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation” iframe@sandbox keyword

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Bin Lu

Feb 24, 2017, 7:47:20 PM2/24/17
to blink-dev

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In the HTML Standard

TAG review:

For more public discussions on the proposal:


Adds a new keyword named "allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation" for iframe sandbox, which requires a user activation (or gesture) being processed to trigger a top-level navigation. This change would enable more use cases of sandboxing untrusted third-party contents (eg., ads) by allowing top navigation while blocking malicious auto-redirecting, and thus help building a safer internet (eg., a safer ads ecosystem in which all ads could be sandboxed to prevent unexpected malicious behaviors like plugin exploits, auto-redirects, file downloading, modal dialogs, etc).

For more information, including motivation compared to the existing "allow-top-navigation" keyword, see the intent to implement post.

Link to "Intent to Implement"

Demo link

Is this feature supported on all six Blink platforms?


Compatibility Risk

Since this feature is to be opted in by developers, it won’t break any existing content on the web. We considered another option of changing the default behavior of ‘allow-top-navigation’ for sandboxed iframe, but the feedback from Edge convinced us to leave ‘allow-top-navigation’ as a way of getting the full non-sandboxed top navigation behavior.

If we have to remove this feature in the future, it will mean the untrusted third-party content would be unable to trigger a top-level navigation even with user activation.

Interoperability Risk

We have landed web platform tests for this feature through the Chromium auto-export process; see this CL. (Note that some of the tests are necessarily manual tests.)

Edge: public support

Firefox: public support

Safari: no signals

Web developers: positive

OWP launch tracking bug

Entry on the feature dashboard

Requesting approval to ship?

Yes. Now the keyword of “allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation” is behind a feature flag.

Bin Lu

Feb 24, 2017, 7:53:07 PM2/24/17
to blink-dev,, Emily Schechter, Allison Miller, Rick Byers, Ojan Vafai,
+more people involved in the discussion.

Rick Byers

Feb 24, 2017, 8:39:07 PM2/24/17
to Bin Lu, blink-dev,, Emily Schechter, Allison Miller, Ojan Vafai, Boris Zbarsky

Thanks for figuring out a safe way to do this!

Dimitri Glazkov

Feb 25, 2017, 5:00:35 PM2/25/17
to Rick Byers, Bin Lu, blink-dev,, Emily Schechter, Allison Miller, Ojan Vafai, Boris Zbarsky

Philip Jägenstedt

Feb 27, 2017, 10:14:13 AM2/27/17
to Dimitri Glazkov, Rick Byers, Bin Lu, blink-dev,, Emily Schechter, Allison Miller, Ojan Vafai, Boris Zbarsky
LGTM3, very nice to see the spec and tests all lined up like this.

Is the link for "Firefox: public support" correct? That is Boris Zbarsky being worried about the lack of interop in what "user activation" means, and not saying anything about this proposal. is now seeing important discussion. Rick, can you take it upon yourself to poke at that issue regularly if needed? I don't think it'd make sense to block on it, but the default is for things like this to fizzle out.

Bin Lu

Feb 27, 2017, 1:28:54 PM2/27/17
to Philip Jägenstedt, Dimitri Glazkov, Rick Byers, blink-dev,, Emily Schechter, Allison Miller, Ojan Vafai, Boris Zbarsky
Is the link for "Firefox: public support" correct? That is Boris Zbarsky being worried about the lack of interop in what "user activation" means, and not saying anything about this proposal.
Sorry, it's wrong: It should be the next comment from Boris in the thread. Thanks Philip for pointing out.

Philip Jägenstedt

Feb 27, 2017, 3:23:53 PM2/27/17
to Bin Lu, Dimitri Glazkov, Rick Byers, blink-dev,, Emily Schechter, Allison Miller, Ojan Vafai, Boris Zbarsky
On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 8:28 PM Bin Lu <> wrote:
Is the link for "Firefox: public support" correct? That is Boris Zbarsky being worried about the lack of interop in what "user activation" means, and not saying anything about this proposal.
Sorry, it's wrong: It should be the next comment from Boris in the thread. Thanks Philip for pointing out.

Ah, yes, that does end with some tentative support, I missed that before. Thanks Bin!  

Rick Byers

Feb 27, 2017, 5:34:52 PM2/27/17
to Philip Jägenstedt, Dimitri Glazkov, Bin Lu, blink-dev,, Emily Schechter, Allison Miller, Ojan Vafai, Boris Zbarsky
On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 5:13 AM, Philip Jägenstedt <> wrote:
LGTM3, very nice to see the spec and tests all lined up like this.

Is the link for "Firefox: public support" correct? That is Boris Zbarsky being worried about the lack of interop in what "user activation" means, and not saying anything about this proposal. is now seeing important discussion. Rick, can you take it upon yourself to poke at that issue regularly if needed? I don't think it'd make sense to block on it, but the default is for things like this to fizzle out.

If we feel it's important to really improve interop here, I think we'll need more than me poking the issue occasionally (eg. someone probably needs to drive some real research and specific suggests for simplifying our implementation).  I filed this bug to track / prioritize the larger issue of driving interop improvements around this.

Philip Jägenstedt

Feb 27, 2017, 5:39:52 PM2/27/17
to Rick Byers, Dimitri Glazkov, Bin Lu, blink-dev,, Emily Schechter, Allison Miller, Ojan Vafai, Boris Zbarsky
On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 12:34 AM Rick Byers <> wrote:
On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 5:13 AM, Philip Jägenstedt <> wrote:
LGTM3, very nice to see the spec and tests all lined up like this.

Is the link for "Firefox: public support" correct? That is Boris Zbarsky being worried about the lack of interop in what "user activation" means, and not saying anything about this proposal. is now seeing important discussion. Rick, can you take it upon yourself to poke at that issue regularly if needed? I don't think it'd make sense to block on it, but the default is for things like this to fizzle out.

If we feel it's important to really improve interop here, I think we'll need more than me poking the issue occasionally (eg. someone probably needs to drive some real research and specific suggests for simplifying our implementation).  I filed this bug to track / prioritize the larger issue of driving interop improvements around this.

Yes, clearly the poking itself isn't the useful bit. Thanks!

Bin Lu

Feb 28, 2017, 9:19:34 PM2/28/17
to Philip Jägenstedt, Rick Byers, Dimitri Glazkov, blink-dev,, Emily Schechter, Allison Miller, Ojan Vafai, Boris Zbarsky
An update: This feature has been turned on with this CL, and would be available in M58 (to be branched early March, and become stable in late April)  and above. 
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