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Chandra Digest (May 16) Sagittarius A*

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May 16, 2022, 8:22:52 AM5/16/22
-- Monday, May 16, 2022  ---

** Sagittarius A*: NASA Telescopes Support Event Horizon Telescope in Studying Milky Way's Black Hole
The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way located about 27,000 light years away.
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**Chandra Press:  NASA Telescopes Support Event Horizon Telescope in Studying Milky Way's Black Hole
As the Event Horizon Telescope collected data for its remarkable new image of the Milky Way's supermassive black hole, a legion of other telescopes including three NASA X-ray observatories in space was also watching.

**Chandra Blog:  Looking at the Team Behind the Science
Many projects in astrophysics involve huge numbers of scientists and other collaborators — often ranging from senior professors to graduate students and undergraduates. A project like the EHT often requires smaller groups within these large collaborations to concentrate on different problems and questions.

**Chandra Resources:  A Universe of Sound
Join Chandra at the free National Science Foundation (NSF) STEM for all video showcase event this week. We'll be chatting about our astrophysics data sonification project: A Universe of Sound, funded by NASA. You can watch videos, ask questions and vote for the projects you find inspiring:

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