Chandra Announcement: CSC integration in NED

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Guardado, Karla

Dec 2, 2021, 11:04:41 AM12/2/21
to chandra-announce

The Chandra Source Catalog (CSC) version 2.0.1, developed by the Chandra X-ray Center (CXC), provides information on 317,167 unique X-ray sources detected with the NASA Chandra X-ray Observatory during its first 15 years of operations (processing of CSC 2.1, including public observations taken after 2014, will start in Spring 2022). 

We’re pleased to announce that summary X-ray properties from CSC 2.0.1 sources have been integrated into the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) and ~80% of the CSC 2.0.1 sources have been associated with existing NED objects. Interested astronomers can now take advantage of all the benefits that NED brings to query and explore CSC sources. This includes the positional crossmatch and cross-identification with existing sources, homogeneous multi-wavelength photometry and spectral energy distribution (SED), redshift, classification, distance and other source properties, when available.

In addition, CSC 2.0.1 source names are now automatically linked to their coordinates through the NED name resolver, making CSC-based searches across all public interfaces that incorporate the NED service (including CSCview, the CSC Quick Search, ChaSeR and the Chandra Footprint Service) easier and quicker. 


Karla Guardado

IT Specialist

Chandra Director's Office

Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian

Office: (617) 495 2638

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