CA Inclusion Request Process

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Ben Wilson

Nov 28, 2022, 6:41:52 PM11/28/22

I am soliciting your feedback regarding a change in Mozilla's CA Inclusion Dashboard, located at ("Dashboard").  We use Bugzilla whiteboard entries to track the status of inclusion requests, and the Dashboard is populated from Bugzilla whiteboard entries. We use similar entries in the CCADB to track case status, see  

Mozilla has changed the sequence of steps so that public discussion can begin before completion of the CP/CPS review. See Step 4 at  Full CP/CPS review can still happen before public discussion. However, in many cases, the CP/CPS review will occur during the public discussion phase--for instance, during the first four weeks of public discussion.

You will note in the Dashboard that "Detailed CP/CPS Review" is listed before "Ready for Public Discussion" and "In Public Discussion". I need your advice on changing how we list "Detailed CP/CPS Review" so that it no longer appears to be a prerequisite to public discussion. A detailed CP/CPS review will still need to be performed before a request will be moved to "Pending Approval" on the whiteboard, the CCADB, and the Dashboard. In other words, the same changes would be made in the sequence of stages in the CCADB to mirror Mozilla's CA inclusion process.

What are your thoughts?



Aaron Gable

Nov 28, 2022, 7:26:32 PM11/28/22
to Ben Wilson,
Perhaps just moving "Ready for Public Discussion" above the CP/CPS review stage, and renaming it "Ready for CP/CPS Review and Public Discussion" would work? That way its title indicates that the next two stages below it can happen in parallel.

As an additional note, it looks like some of the sections in that dashboard are also going to need to have their backlinks to the Application Process document updated, as they say things like "This section lists CAs who have completed the detailed review phase of step 3 of the inclusion/update request process." while "Step 3" is now something different.


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Chema Lopez

Nov 29, 2022, 3:14:08 AM11/29/22
to Aaron Gable, Ben Wilson,

Chema López

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Ben Wilson

Nov 29, 2022, 8:10:06 PM11/29/22
to Chema Lopez, Aaron Gable,
Thanks.  So, I have an approach in mind.  We could replace the whiteboard tags for both "ca-ready-for-discussion" and "ca-cps-review" with a single entry "ready-for-cps-review-and-public-discussion". In the CCADB, we can replace a case status of  "In Detailed CP/CPS Review" with "Ready for CP/CPS Review and Public Discussion".  Here is how it would fit into the current process:

Whiteboard Tag CCADB Status
ca-initial Initial Request Received
ca-verifying Information Verification in Process
Ready for CP/CPS Review and Public Discussion
ca-in-discussion In Public Discussion
ca-pending-approval Pending Approval
ca-approved Approved, Pending Inclusion


Gordon Bock

Nov 29, 2022, 9:45:58 PM11/29/22
to Ben Wilson, Chema Lopez, Aaron Gable,

Hi Ben,

Not to throw a wrench in the mix and I will defer to the opinions of others, but the “ready-for-cps-review-and-public-discussion” doesn’t seem right as it doesn’t identify that any action has taken place, only that it is ready for an action which is implicit with the prior task being complete.


May I suggest adding a ca-cps-review tag below the ca-in-discussion tag.

Rationale: there is nothing precluding the CP/CPS review to take place in parallel with the discussion phase, however both need to be completed before ca-pending-approval.



NOTE: I also modified/added the 2 items denoted with an (*).


Whiteboard Tag

CCADB Status


Initial Request Received


*Information Verified


Passed Public Discussion


CP/CPS Reviewed


Pending Approval


Approved, Pending Inclusion




*Altered from ca-verifying to ca-verified.

** Altered tag to denote when discussion is complete. Other option is to use 2 tags; one when in discussion, the other when complete.




Ben Wilson

Dec 1, 2022, 5:30:15 PM12/1/22
to Gordon Bock, Chema Lopez, Aaron Gable,
The existing approach labels the status of the case based on tasks that are in a queue or are otherwise being performed. Gordon's suggestion is that the status be labeled based on the performance of an event. I think I like the existing approach, but I agree it doesn't provide a clean "checklist" for when things, like detailed CP/CPS review, have been performed. Gordon's suggested approach does.
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