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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Release 3.40.3 available now

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Ashish K.M.

Jun 13, 2021, 2:10:11 PM6/13/21
to DICEFlow Product (Catalysts)
You can now set organisation wide and per role thresholds for amount of data to be brought down to the allocated application space on the user’s device. These are over and above the permission/location based data which is brought down to the user’s device and work on Last Updated timestamp. Some scenarios explained:
  • Case 1 - ORG LEVEL THRESHOLD and ROLE LEVEL THRESHOLD both are not set : ALL Workflows + Members + Groups regardless of when they were updated are brought down to the user’s device
  • Case 2 - ORG LEVEL THRESHOLD = 7 and no ROLE LEVEL THRESHOLD set : Workflows + Members + Groups which have been updated in the last 7 days are only brought down to the user’s device. If ROLE LEVEL THRESHOLD is not set, ORG LEVEL THRESHOLD applies
  • Case 3 - ORG LEVEL THRESHOLD = 7 and ROLE LEVEL THRESHOLD = 30 : Workflows + Members + Groups which have been updated in the last 30 days are only brought down to the user’s device. ROLE LEVEL THRESHOLD is checked first so that applies.
PLEASE NOTE, if threshold is applied:
  • User’s are provided with a FETCH ALL DATA button to get ALL data regardless of THRESHOLD applied, if required.
  • Dashboard widgets are calculated using the data which is currently present on the user’s device.
  • Members are brought based on Last Updated timestamp of each Member and if Workflow for the Member has been updated in the last THRESHOLD number of days. Similar logic is applied when Groups are fetched. Workflows are fetched based on Last Updated timestamp.
  • Post FETCH ALL DATA, logout-login will revert data state to a state where THRESHOLD is applied.
Why did we include this feature:
There will be a time in your project that a lot of data will be accumulated per project and users will not need it in their day to day work. This feature provides a way to throttle the amount of data which comes down into the User’s device.

Ashish K.M.

Aug 5, 2021, 11:21:20 PM8/5/21
to DICEFlow Product (Catalysts)
Reminder of what the setting of ORG and ROLE level threshold means. Say, you have set ORG THRESHOLD at 30 days. This applies to ALL Roles across your Organisation. Application will fetch only the following data for your users when they login.
  • Members updated in last 30 days
  • Groups updated in last 30 days
  • COMPLETED state workflows which were updated in last 30 days
  • All OPEN state Workflows regardless of when they were updated
  • All members or groups that have OPEN workflows, regardless of when they were updated
Users can FETCH REMAINING DATA (ignoring the threshold) using the button with similar name. Please note that this was FETCH ALL DATA earlier.

- DICEFlow Team
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