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What is up with these

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Will Stillwell

Oct 24, 2024, 9:55:31 PM10/24/24
to Camect User Forum
I've been getting a lot of these pop ups lately  Does this mean that my storage drive might be failing?  It's different cameras not always the same camera.  


Oct 25, 2024, 12:39:13 PM10/25/24
to Camect User Forum, Will
The camera players try to resume playing the footage after reconnections.  It prints the message if the footage is not available.
Did the hub just restart at that time?

Will Stillwell

Oct 25, 2024, 1:01:31 PM10/25/24
to CamectChao, Camect User Forum
Next time I see it I'll capture the whole screen, but typically when i see it all playback windows on that screen are black and have to clear it then refresh the page.   And Hmmm, it is possible it had restarted the service at that time  Looking at the time stamp of when I sent that to the group here and the time of last restart,  and the last restart was actually 4 minutes that email.    I'll try and check that next time I see it.  It is always after that window was in the background I believe and then I bring it into focus.  


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