Hi,first of all I have to say your object recognition is one the best I have seen so far, and for that pricing its without alternatives,and I already worked with Briefcam, Anyvision etc.I got 2 questions:First, is it possible to send a detection notification to a vms?
I did this with Axis Cams via a rule that sends a TCP notification during movement to my milestone vms. Milestone listens to TCP notifications and starts recording during that TCP datagrams from the Axis Cams.
Another question regards to the alarm manager
Is it possible to send the images the alarm manger generates to a ftp folder or similar?
At work we need images from detections at a very fast rate for further investigations.
If it is possible, is there a chance to determine at what position of movement the images are created and at what interval (every second of detection one Image)?
Thanks for your help!