We are upgrading our building so we can have bookshelves to hold another 8,000 books so a lot of the stuff we normally do at the building will be off or by zoom only for a bit… Some other items in the area below as well that you can do in person in the area...
The Pratt press release says: On Friday, July 28, 2023 from 5:30 p.m.+ at the Central Library at 400 Cathedral St, Baltimore, MD 21201. Join the Pratt staff for a Cosplay Costume Creative! Looking to show off your costume before Otakon? Can’t make it to DC this year, but want in on the action? Come celebrate creativity in character at the Enoch Pratt Free Library’s own Cosplay Creative! Join for a night of K-pop, karaoke, and a costume contest with prizes. The Chatime Bubble Tea Truck (@chatimemdwheels) will be there. All ages are welcome for this program. Fake weapons are not allowed; this includes swords, guns, staves, or any other similar device. In addition, all costumes must fully cover the wearer. (No website or ph# provided)
BSFS Speculative Poetry Workshop by Zoom:
A monthly writer's workshop for SF and Fantasy and Speculative authors of poetry held every Third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM sponsored by BSFS. Near term this would mean 07/20/2023. By Zoom only (only use this zoom link for Poetry Workshop, for other zoom meetings use proper links) at
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82344040646?pwd=eFdCQlZmL29KSVYzYUZXdE1EK3Q1UT09 Meeting ID: 823 4404 0646 Passcode: 365968
Book Club Meeting at BSFS:
Next Book Club held July 22, 2023 at 7:30 PM. Featured Book: Daggerspell by Katharine Kerr. July Book Discussion will be by Zoom only this time (only use this zoom link for book club, for other zoom meetings use proper links below) at
https://zoom.us/j/94129016253?pwd=LzRMVEZmVGtnUi9jOUc3MnFOcHFHQT09 Meeting ID: 941 2901 6253 Passcode: 041896 Maybe back to in-person and Zoom in August.
Film Night at BSFS:
Not held this month. Most likely back up in August once we get the Building open.
BSFS’s Sunday Tabletop Role-Playing Game Event at Online:
The next Tabletop Role-Playing Game Event is on July 30, 2023 from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. On Discord only at
https://discord.gg/5U3s2YzPzQ To participate by Discord you do need to register for Discord if you have never done so before, but the process is fairly easy. We will be rotating through various tabletop Sci Fi RPGs. You are welcome if you love Tabletop RPG's. For more details contact mike at bsfs dot org
Anime Social at BSFS:
Anime Social will be off in July and back in August due to BSFS Building upgrades. For more details email anime at bsfs dot org
Thursday Night Alphabet Soup Board Gaming at BSFS:
On hiatus till August or maybe September and then returning to a Sunday afternoon schedule. For info email matthewsands at bsfs dot org
Borrow and bring back books from our 17,000 item free lending library at any event or meeting at the BSFS Building. (once we get back open of course)
Balticon Planning and BSFS Business Meetings:
These meetings this month will be only by teleconference by Zoom due to the building upgrade process. To attend by Zoom using your computer use link
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88616075406?pwd=YmF1aDhPZzVYR2NjdzBYdGZ0aStpZz09 Passcode: 930363
Meeting ID: 886 1607 5406 Or iPhone one-tap : US:
+13017158592,,97614691479#,,,,*463191# or
+19292056099,,97614691479#,,,,*463191# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US:
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC),
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago),
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York),
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma),
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston),
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 886 1607 5406 Passcode: 930363
International numbers available:
https://zoom.us/u/ac59gxWAiW The Baltimore Science Fiction Society business and discussion meeting will be held at 8:30pm on July 8, 2023 on Zoom to share ideas, watch us warp traditional parliamentary rules, hang out etc., see above.
The Balticon 58 Planning Meeting next held (not in the month of July) on August 12, 2023 at 7:00 PM. Drop by in-person or on Zoom then and share your ideas about how to improve the next and future Balticons. (or volunteer)
Writers Circle at BSFS:
BSFS sponsors a Writing Circle 6:30-8:30pm usually meets every second and fourth Thursday of the month, near term this means teleconference only by zoom on July 13, 2023 and July 27, 2023. Participants prefer to stay on zoom for now. This is a SF and Fantasy focused writing group. If you write check it out. At least Seven stories work shopped at this writer's circle have been sold to professional markets in the last three years. This is a recurring meeting so any Writer's Circle meeting use: Join Zoom Meeting at
https://zoom.us/j/91064908740?pwd=TENjZ25HenRNOHhtcHFaRlZnOGE3dz09Meeting ID: 910 6490 8740 Passcode: 805110 (see Zoom phone numbers above for dial in at need)
For more info contact BSFSEvents at BSFS dot org
Shoreleave Convention this Weekend:
If you have never been to the great media con in our area known as Shoreleave you should check it out and consider it for this weekend. More information at