ICG Board of Directors Online Meeting
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To view this discussion visit https://groups.google.com/a/board.costume.org/d/msgid/meeting/15F78136-B270-44E1-AD71-A30669E6D81F%40gmail.com.
HI Bruce,
Just fill in a list of your roles in the text area beside the
"Other" checkbox (e.g. Budget and Finance Committee Chair, GEL
Administrator). Anne uses this additional information to compile
her monthly report.
To view this discussion visit https://groups.google.com/a/board.costume.org/d/msgid/meeting/CA%2BUXROg%2BUrerAn8yPgpA_DRmmZHtMbtB%3DmKYYGDcBG9s4Lwx8g%40mail.gmail.com.
-- Philip Gust International Costumers' Guild Silicon Web Costumers' Guild (650) 367-7652 phil...@siweb.costume.org