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Nov Membership reporting

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Jeanine Swick

Nov 15, 2024, 8:35:28 AM11/15/24
to ICG Board Online Meeting
Thank you to the chapters who sent in their reports. I don't think I missed anyone. Please note if your chapter is in red, as it means I am not receiving reports from your treasurer or membership person.

A reminder to the SIGs that you need to report your membership once a year in November.
Standing Rule 32:
  1. Each SIG shall report its status and list of members to the Corresponding Secretary or another officer designated by the President no later than November 1st of each year. It shall also promptly report the name, address, phone number, and electronic address, if available, of its Chair and any other SIG officers whenever that information changes. The Chair’s name, address, and electronic address will be used for the SIG’s listing on the ICG website unless the SIG provides different information.
Nov reporting.pdf
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