BLAGO Fund: New collection - Monastery Pavlovac

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Dec 26, 2018, 11:10:04 PM12/26/18
BLAGO Fund continues with the preservation of Serbian culture and heritage
Monastery Pavlovac

Monastery Pavlovac is located in the foothills of the mountain Kosmaj, only seven kilometers from the city of Mladenovac (south of Belgrade). The church of Pavlovac is dedicated to St Nicholas, and it was built on the ruins of the Roman necropolis (graveyard). A Roman stone sarcophagus, decorated with ornaments and few arrows, is still on the site.

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In Memory of Despot Stefan Lazarevic

In medieval times the monastery was located on the road from Belgrade, over mountain Kosmaj, to Rudnik, and further south to Zica, Pec, Prizren, and Novo Brdo. In the village of Crkvine on the road to Rudnik (called Glava in the old times), a marble plaque was erected in 1427 to commemorate the death of the Serbian ruler Stefan Lazarevic, who suddenly died at this place.

It is unknown who and when built the monastery, as there are no written documents or folk stories from the time. Turkish records from the 16th century only discuss details of the Pavlovac economy. However, a letter (а bill discharge) was sent to Dubrovnik from Pavlovac on November 21st, 1424, by the Serbian ruler Stefan Lazarevic. This fact establishes the latest possible date of the monastery’s establishment. On the other hand, based on the church’s architecture, it can be assumed that it was built in the second decade of the 14th century.

The stone church of the monastery is located in the middle of the monastery complex, with the elongated and condensed trikonasana base, a single dome, and a wall separated narthex. The dome is octagonal, with narrow windows, and placed on a square base. Altar apse, circular both inside and outside, is lower than the lateral ones that are circular from inside and polygonal from the outside. The altar apse has a small and narrow single stone window, while the lateral walls of the naos contain four oculi.


The newer age found the monastery in a very damaged state - a falling church roof an almost non-existent dome, a wholly destroyed narthex and other monastery buildings, and with only a few fragments of fresco paintings in the church. Located north of the church are the ruins of a one-story residential architecture of the monastery.

South of the church is a partially preserved dining hall with some guest rooms, as well as the kitchen and the storage room. Today, the whole complex has been restored and very well researched.

You Can Help


Help us reach our goal for the next year. Many collections are planned, including the Church of Bogorodicia Ljeviska in Prizren, and rare manuscripts from Kosovo monasteries, but it will all depend on the funds available. Our goal is to raise $10,000 in donations that we can match with funds available for this purpose from our long-time patrons and institutions.

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