Ipad Mini

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Jeff Mundt

May 29, 2023, 8:42:12 PM5/29/23
to WunderLINQ Users Group, jeffa...@comcast.net
If I get an ipad mini (Gen 6) that doesn't have cellular, can I let it get the signal via bluetooth from the phone in my pocket?  If this works there are probably cheaper mini tablets that I could use as well, like a Samsung A7.  


May 30, 2023, 9:17:03 AM5/30/23
to Jeff Mundt, WunderLINQ Users Group, jeffa...@comcast.net
Hi Jeff,

You would be able to share your phone's data via a hotspot, however, the Wifi-only iPad also lacks a GPS. You can't currently share your phone's location data with an iPad.

We would suggest an Android tablet if you aren't completely married to the Apple ecosystem. 


On Mon, May 29, 2023 at 6:42 PM Jeff Mundt <je...@myforestfoods.com> wrote:
If I get an ipad mini (Gen 6) that doesn't have cellular, can I let it get the signal via bluetooth from the phone in my pocket?  If this works there are probably cheaper mini tablets that I could use as well, like a Samsung A7.  

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Jeff Mundt

Jun 1, 2023, 11:37:40 AM6/1/23
to WunderLINQ Users Group, Support, WunderLINQ Users Group, jeffa...@comcast.net, Jeff Mundt
I actually purchased a Samsung Galaxy A7 Tab Lite which I think will be an excellent choice, plus I can run  MotoScan on it and not have to carry a separate Android device in my tool kit.  
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