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no longer see any data on the dashboard

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Wim Paalman (WvBP)

Jun 28, 2023, 3:30:00 PM6/28/23
to WunderLINQ Users Group
I have the following problem: I can scroll through the menu with the Wonderweal and operate Spotify for example.
But I no longer see any data on the dashboard.
such as speed, tire pressure, voltage, throttle, etc.
I also get the message to connect bluetooth when starting up, even though the connection is there.
It seems that part of the canbus data is no longer being passed on.
Do you have a solution for me?
Thanks in advance.

Wim Paalman (WvBP)

Jul 4, 2023, 3:38:53 PM7/4/23
to WunderLINQ Users Group, Wim Paalman (WvBP)
From suppot:  Can you verify the WuderLINQ app has Bluetooth connect permissions?  This can be found in the WunderLINQ app under App Settings --> Privacy

The settings were probably lost after an update.
Now that everything has been reset, it works as usual

Op woensdag 28 juni 2023 om 21:30:00 UTC+2 schreef Wim Paalman (WvBP):
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