WLQ 2.66 - Removed Kurivger 1 & 2 as they can't be downloaded and are no longer supported by Kurviger

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TH G (Hobbyfahrer)

Nov 23, 2023, 4:23:41 AM11/23/23
to WunderLINQ Users Group

unfortunately that is not correct. Kurviger K1 had to be purchased at the time and can be reloaded by buyers at any time.

Kurviger K1 still works today without any problems with Kurviger Web.

There are many who still use K1 and removing K1 from the WLQ is not good.

Frank Schurig

Nov 23, 2023, 5:50:24 AM11/23/23
to WunderLINQ Users Group, TH G (Hobbyfahrer)

I have the same problem. After updating to version 2.66, "kurviger 1 pro" is no longer available in the navigation app selection list. I can no longer use my navigation app "kurviger 1 pro" with the wunderlinq and therefore the wunderlinq is no longer usable for me. I am very disappointed! Is there a way to downgrade?


Nov 23, 2023, 9:37:33 AM11/23/23
to Frank Schurig, WunderLINQ Users Group, TH G (Hobbyfahrer)
Hi All,

It will be added back, I hadn't realized it was still available.  This feedback on the beta app is helpful, thank you. The goal is to catch this stuff before it goes to the production app.  


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Nov 23, 2023, 10:13:42 AM11/23/23
to Frank Schurig, WunderLINQ Users Group, TH G (Hobbyfahrer)
Hi All,

I have just released 2.67, which includes Kurivger 1 Pro as an option again.  It may take Google a bit to approve, if you need the app before, you can always download current and past releases from here: https://github.com/blackboxembedded/WunderLINQ-Android/releases

Was Kurivger 2 OK to remove?


Frank Schurig

Nov 23, 2023, 11:58:38 AM11/23/23
to WunderLINQ Users Group, Support, WunderLINQ Users Group
Hi Keith,

Many thanks for adding kurviger 1 pro back to the selection. That's great!

Unfortunately, I can't say anything about "kurviger 2", I don't use it. Maybe someone else will get back to me on the subject?


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