Wunderlinq freeze

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Michael Stürmer

Jul 7, 2023, 1:42:02 AM7/7/23
to WunderLINQ Users Group
Newest firmware 2.1 installed
SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab Active 3 with One Ui 4.1

Until recenz ever,yhting worked fine. Now after a short time riding the app does not accept any inputs from the wonderwheel and the information does not update on the app. The Bluetooth led is always solid blue and the tablet shows an active Bluetooth connection. Only after the bike gets restarted or the winderlinq is being removed from the craddle, the connection works again, to brake after a couple of minutes in the same way.

I tried: resetting network and Bluetooth settings completely, removing and reinstalling the app, reflashing the firmware.


juan marin

Jul 3, 2024, 11:05:10 AMJul 3
to WunderLINQ Users Group, Michael Stürmer
Hi Michael, I had the same issue, I realized it freeze when a Fault Code shows (Maintenance period, low tire pressure). The common fault codes (ASC and ABS test, low fuel level) work flawlessly. I'm reporting this to Wunderlinq. I use the same tablet as you and tried with a ZFold 5 with the same result.  Do you have the same issue?

Greetings from Portugal.


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