Big problem with WunderLINQ

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TH G (Hobbyfahrer)

May 22, 2023, 9:25:09 AM5/22/23
to WunderLINQ Users Group
Hello Keith,

there are problems with WunderLINQ. It is the first time ever that I have such behavior with WunderLINQ.

I am using the latest beta 2.57 with firmware 2.1

There are significant connection problems. WL does not connect to the smartphone and must be manually activated on the Smartphone.

If then manually the connection stands nevertheless in the App the BT connection is indicated red.

You can still use WL for a few minutes and then suddenly the connection is gone.

In another forum, someone just wrote from vacation that he has exactly the same problem.

Is this known to you and what can be the solution? Currently WunderLINQ is no longer usable for me.



TH G (Hobbyfahrer)

May 30, 2023, 12:05:36 PM5/30/23
to WunderLINQ Users Group, TH G (Hobbyfahrer)
With the firmware 2.55 the problem has not occurred so far but I could also only test it on a short distance.


TH G (Hobbyfahrer)

Jun 5, 2023, 3:18:05 AM6/5/23
to WunderLINQ Users Group, TH G (Hobbyfahrer)
Hi Support,

is the problem with the new version 2.59 been solved?




Jun 5, 2023, 10:01:57 AM6/5/23
to TH G (Hobbyfahrer), WunderLINQ Users Group
Hi Thorsten,

I have still not been able to replicate it, so I'm unsure. I did make some adjustments that might help though.


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TH G (Hobbyfahrer)

Jul 25, 2023, 2:47:37 AM7/25/23
to WunderLINQ Users Group, Support, WunderLINQ Users Group, TH G (Hobbyfahrer)
Hi Keith,

unfortunately the problem is not solved. There are still problems.

WunderLINQ loses contact with the nav holder. While driving, the Nav display disappears from the TFT and control is then no longer possible. If I take WunderLINQ then once briefly out of the holder and reinsert, it goes again until the next failure.

This is unfortunately very unsightly and I four weeks it goes on vacation with the motorcycle.

Contact problems are not quite unknown and is there a solution for?

Thank you


TH G (Hobbyfahrer)

Aug 13, 2023, 4:39:16 AM8/13/23
to WunderLINQ Users Group, TH G (Hobbyfahrer), Support, WunderLINQ Users Group
Reaction, solution is there anything, because now it's not two weeks to the vacation. Do I have to switch to BarButtons?

Shane Wheller

Aug 13, 2023, 5:49:06 AM8/13/23
to TH G (Hobbyfahrer), WunderLINQ Users Group, Support
I too have the same problem. a brand new unit, I had connectivity, but it didn't automatically connect after restarting bike. Then manual connection, now it won't even power up - no light on side.

Right now it is a very expensive adaptor for a quad lock mount ;-)

Shane Wheller
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j gar

Sep 9, 2023, 8:10:40 AM9/9/23
to WunderLINQ Users Group, Shane Wheller, WunderLINQ Users Group, Support, TH G (Hobbyfahrer)

hello I have a bmw r1250gsa 2023 and the wunderlinq does not work ol bug constantly tested on 3 different applications and still the same problem the BT bug!!! the tft/nav icon has even disappeared from the screen, on a road trip since 3000klm and impossible to use the wunderlinq!!!! a shame at the price where it is sold I deleted the wunderlinq to have correct navigation so when to resolve the PROBLEM
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