Problems with Samsung S23 Ultra with Bluetooth pairing

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TH G (Hobbyfahrer)

Sep 10, 2023, 9:20:13 AM9/10/23
to WunderLINQ Users Group

I have been using a Samsung S21 Ultra with Android 13 and Bluetooth 5.2. Once paired with WunderLINQ, both devices have always connected automatically.

Now I use the Samsung S23 Ultra also with Android 13 but the device now has Bluetooth 5.3. The devices no longer connect automatically and I have to re-pair every time, I also have the problem with my BarButtons on another bike.

Who knows the problem and why do I only have the problem with WunderLINQ and the BarButtons, which are both connected as a keyboard.

With all other devices there are not these problems.

So unfortunately I can no longer use WunderLUNQ.

P.S. I've tried everything up to deleting the Bluetooth data and cache.


Sep 21, 2023, 1:58:11 PM9/21/23
to WunderLINQ Users Group, TH G (Hobbyfahrer)
I'm having pretty much the same issue with my S23 Ultra, though I eventually can get it to connect. I''d like to find a fix also.

Tobias Kaiser

Sep 25, 2023, 12:32:37 PM9/25/23
to WunderLINQ Users Group, D J, TH G (Hobbyfahrer)

i have the same problem with Samsung S22 Ultra, i cant pair the wunderlinq.
I can see it in the Bluetooth setting, also ein can start the pairing, but this will be allways canceled.

I didnet find a solution still now.

Any Idea?

Best regards
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