NEWEST Stencils for Speedy PRO-LEVEL Brow Mapping!

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Biotouch Technicians

Aug 18, 2023, 5:51:25 PM8/18/23
to Biotouch Technicians
Put an end to client complaints and your frustrations over imperfect brow shapes! Stencils offer an instant solution with a flawless brow pattern, delivering satisfied clients and positive reviews.

New, Biotouch Exclusive Stencil Features:

- Guided Pattern: Strokes already aligned and positioned, eliminating guesswork.
Screenshot 2023-08-18 132412.png

- Complete 1 Piece Stencil: Brow pair is already perfectly aligned for evenness.
Screenshot 2023-08-18 132447.png

- Ready-to-Use Hair Stroke Cutouts: No more manual stroke challenges.
Screenshot 2023-08-18 132459.png

- Secure Adhesive Backing: Ensures steady placement.
Screenshot 2023-08-18 132514.png

- 4 Trendy Brow Styles: Satisfies every client’s preference.
Screenshot 2023-08-18 132533.png

Boost your confidence! Experience pro mapping with the latest stencils and crisp, clear strokes with the SignaSure machine.

Ready to witness for yourself? Visit to watch our latest video “Speedy Pro-Level Brow Mapping & Strokes”
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