Diagnostic Reagents

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Joysph Huang

Dec 15, 2022, 9:16:53 PM12/15/22
to biotouch-fe...@biotouch.com
Dear friend

Who should I contact to reach your company's purchasing or import department?

Please forward me their email or mobile number.

Our company makes bulk diagnostic reagents and enzymes and has a strong research team.

Our products have stable quality and competitive prices.

Our CEO Dr Cao has three years of post-doctoral experience at UCSF and 20 years in the industry and is a leading scientist in enzymes and reagents.

If you have questions about this area of need and application, we would also be happy to arrange a 10-15 minute no-obligation Zoom meeting to discuss.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


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Joysph Huang
Customer Care
Assay Specialist Laboratories(Jiangsu) Co., Ltd
Address: 6 Johnsonville Road, Wellington, New Zealand

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