Hi All,
The Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre now has the 15th largest and fourth greenest supercomputer in the world, and the largest in the Southern Hemisphere. How can these new CPU, GPU, and S3 storage capabilities be leveraged to overcome some of the big barriers in metagenomics?
Pawsey is planning a hackathon that will bring together researchers, bioinformaticians, and Pawsey supercomputing experts to tackle some of the big challenges, as decided by you!
Pawsey are looking for Expressions of Interest to join this fully catered event over three to four days in sunny Perth. A series of online meetings leading up to the event are planned to hash out your most interesting problems, outline solutions, and start prototyping code. Those meetings will culminate with the in-person event at Pawsey. The hackathon will be hands-on with teams writing code and solving problems.
Express your interest here to join Pawsey in tackling some interesting and relevant computational challenges in a unique environment.
Please note this will be an in-person event (and is tentatively set for week commencing August 14th 2023)
Jeff Christiansen, PhD
Deputy Director
Associate Director (Engagements and Operations)
Australian BioCommons
M: +61 (0) 468 740 880
Both my positions are funded by Bioplatforms Australia, The Deputy Director role (0.3FTE) is hosted by Melbourne Bioinformatics at the University of Melbourne, and the A/Dir Engagements and Operations role (0.7FTE) is hosted by QCIF and RCC at the University of Queensland