Hi all,
We have a few exciting events coming up in the BioCommons that I'd like to share with you. All are free to attend. Please feel free to forward this onto friends and colleagues. I am sending this note out via a few places so thank you for reading again if you've already received this.
Tuesday 5 April 12pm AEST
Regular, informal chat about life science research, bioinformatics and research infrastructure.This month we're talking about R with conversation starters Dr Ira Cooke (James Cook University) on the subject of Combining RStudio in the cloud with github workflows and Dr Sarah Williams (QCIF) on the subject of Using workflowr to share analyses.
WEBINAR: Protection of genomic data and the Australian Privacy Act: when is genomic data ‘personal information’?
Wednesday 6th April 12pm AEST
Professor Mark Taylor explores the relationship between the legal concept of genetic information and the concept of genomic data relevant to health and medical research, reflect on the characteristics of each, and the possibility of more clearly identifying the legal rights and responsibilities which attach to the use and disclosure of genomic data in the future.
WORKSHOP: R - fundamental skills for biologists
Four sessions between 1-22 June 2022, 2-5pm AEST.
Getting started with R can be a little daunting if you’re new to programming. In this four-part workshop we will equip you with the foundations for efficiently using R and RStudio with biological data. Using gene expression data from a model of influenza infection, you will learn how to efficiently and reproducibly organise, read, wrangle, analyse, visualise and generate reports from your data in R.
Feel free to get in touch with questions about any of these. If you'd like to hear when registrations open for other events, please
subscribe to Australian BioCommons.
Thanks and hope to see you there,
Melissa Burke
Training and Communications Officer, Australian BioCommons