What bioinformatics training do YOU need to improve your research?

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Tiffanie Nelson

Dec 12, 2023, 11:34:23 PM12/12/23
to metage...@biocommons.org.au
Dear colleagues,

What bioinformatics training do YOU need to improve your research? What’s missing from the training that’s currently available in Australia?Australian BioCommons and the National Bioinformatics Training Cooperative have just launched a national training needs survey to help guide our 2024 efforts.Add your voice to the survey to ensure we can offer the best training opportunities in areas that are relevant. And share it with your friends so that they can have their say too :raised_hands:.png

Best regards,
C/O Australian BioCommons Training Team

Tiff Nelson, PhD
Community Engagement
Australian BioCommons
M: +61 (0) 476 985 154
W: biocommons.org.au

This position is funded by Bioplatforms Australia and hosted at QFAB/QCIF, Griffith University and the University of Newcastle.

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