Feedback request - MetaWRAP on Galaxy Australia

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Farah Zaib Khan

Feb 9, 2023, 11:13:36 PM2/9/23
to Microbiome Analysis
Dear all, 
I hope this email finds you well. In 2020, the Australian BioCommons conducted a survey about researcher needs and challenges in the metagenomics and microbiome community. 
In this survey, MetaWRAP was identified as one of the top tools used by the metagenomics and microbiome community of researchers. Several researchers showed an interest in having this pipeline available on a shared infrastructure. We conducted further one-to-one interactions with researchers to understand the demand for this suite to be wrapped and available on the shared infrastructure, Galaxy Australia. 

We are delighted to announce that the Galaxy Australia team has completed the wrapping and installation of MetaWRAP and it is now available to use on Galaxy Australia:

We seek feedback from you before publicly announcing the installation. If you are using MetaWRAP and have familiarity with the Galaxy platform, we will be thankful if you can test and provide feedback about the functionality of the wrapper. 

Looking forward to hearing from you,
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