Hi William, Hoping that the year's begun for you favorably there. Thanks for your having posted previous msgs and connectives to cousin Jackson. After reading his msg., went to resume efforts on subject of crescent and stars.
And had an unusual occurence. Went to a Hungarian church and they had a flag hanging there with the crescent and a star. Well, not exactly identical to the Baumbach wappen, but possibly of an obscure connection. As the flag wasof a region of Poland-Hungary-Czekoslovakia near to Tannenberg. [on the included page, the flag's 2nd from top and 2nd from right.]
Another unusual fact was that there were two LUNAR ECLIPSES during the 3O years before the berg was raised. They were Fby of 1O96 and 1118, while another, also lengthy was Octbr of 1O92. Together with Polaris and Venus during the evening, they could have been a divine msg or lucky sign to Ludwig then. Possibly they were occuring on his birthday, his wife's birthday, a wedding, birth of a child, battle victory or other significant day.
Maybe somebody else has some input along those lines? Have written corresponding to those posting on the web-place, but only some of them write a reply. Well, that's the way these days. If you ever visit NYC, you could go up to Schaller & Weber for some authentic food, but they are nearly the only survivors of what was the busy German section of the city. The stores, shoppes and delis are replaced with trending places. And that of course, explains partly why have been posting.
Well, recognizing that the web-place does require constant monitoring, want to thank you again and keep this msg pragmatic. Hopefully there's some input to others from this.
Best wishes for the still youngish 2O18,
Fritz R Demmer [son of Friedrich Phillipe Demmer von Baumbach]