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Steinbach Regional looking for Varsity Girls, JV Girls and Grade 9 Boys basketball tournaments

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Bryan Thiessen

Oct 24, 2023, 11:52:35 AM10/24/23
to Basketball Manitoba Forum
We are hoping to have 2 grade 9 boys basketball teams so we would like tournaments for both of them.  JV girls are looking for 1 or 2 more.  Varsity girls are looking for 2-3 more.  

Please contact Bryan Thiessen ( if you have any openings.  Thanks everyone. 

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Michael Tan

Nov 17, 2023, 11:30:43 AM11/17/23
to Basketball Manitoba Forum, Bryan Thiessen
Hi Bryan,

Sisler High School is hosting an 4 team JV exhibition series on Dec. 8-9, 2023.  Would you be interested in participating?

Mike Tan
Sisler High School

Michael Tan

Nov 17, 2023, 11:30:50 AM11/17/23
to Basketball Manitoba Forum, Bryan Thiessen
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