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Bogus online publishers

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Peter Suber

Mar 10, 2012, 1:00:54 PM3/10/12
to SOAF post
[Forwarding from Karen Shashok, with permission  This is her post to a thread on the EASE (European Association of Science Editors) Forum. The topic is currently under discussion there, but the forum is not public and I only have permission to repost Karen's contribution. --Peter Suber.] 

Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 19:25:19 +0100
From: Karen Shashok <>
To: EASE-forum <>
Subject: [EASE-Forum] Bogus online publishers

Fake journals, fake conferences, and now an online outfit that is charging for access to
articles published in open access journals!

200512200820915W.html .

This particular hit is almost certainly an article I published (as sole author) in BMC
Medical Research Methodology in 2008. I paid a lot of money to make sure that article
was 100% open access. Now this!

USD3 is not much but regardless of the amount they charge, surely what NewsRx is
doing is illegal?

I've reported the situation to the current owner (Springer) and publisher (BMC) of BMC
Med Res Methodol. Hope they can put a stop to this.

Wonder how many other OA articles NewsRx is charging for. You may want to search
this website for your own OA publications.

Best to everyone,

Karen Shashok
Translator - Editorial consultant
Granada, Spain
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