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The CLOCKSS Archive Triggers Two Journals from the AMA

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Peter Suber

Feb 10, 2012, 4:23:14 PM2/10/12
to SOAF post, BOAI Forum post
[Forwarding from CLOCKSS, via the LibLicense list.  --Peter Suber.]

The AMA's "Archives of Family Medicine" and “JAMA Français” are now
available from the CLOCKSS Archive. The American Medical Association
announced on January 23rd that the journals "Archives of Family
Medicine" and “JAMA Français” are no longer available from their
journal site and will be accessible through the CLOCKSS Archive.

"Archives of Family Medicine" and “JAMA Français” were removed from
the Highwire platform on August 15, 2011. The CLOCKSS Archives, the
AMA's preservation partners, will provide free access to the title and
take responsibility for its ongoing long-term preservation.


"The AMA, along with the founding members of the CLOCKSS Archive,
agreed early on to make triggered content in CLOCKSS available to the
world for free," explains Randy Kiefer, Executive Director of the
CLOCKSS Archive. "That policy sets the CLOCKSS Archive apart, and is a
result of the community-based governance by libraries and publishers.
The CLOCKSS Archive's digital preservation efforts enable libraries of
all sizes to serve future scholars, researchers, and students."

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