Brief ZettaScience Update

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Peter Suber

Jun 12, 2012, 10:10:40 AM6/12/12
to SOAF post, BOAI Forum post
[Forwarding from Louis Kirby at ZettaScience.  --Peter Suber.]

ZettaScience update

This is the first of a series of monthly updates about ZettaScience. This covers a lot of ground for those of you with whom we have not spoken for a while. 
Overview: ZettaScience intends to accelerate innovation worldwide. We will do this through an integrated online offering of rich, well-curated scientific data and tools that allow global collaboration, analysis, computation, and publishing of data. We believe that faster innovation comes from sharing data and not hoarding data and further, that cross disciplinary data and collaboration is far more likely to yield significant discoveries than from within a discipline. ZettaScience is organized to realize the principles in a global sustainable environment. 
Current objectives:
1. We are identifying like-minded senior academicians and executives who share our passion for open science and the goals of ZettaScience to join our advisory board. We are currently interested in adding senior level foundation executives, senior level university administrators and overseas representatives to this board. 
2. We are continuing to validate our revenue assumptions for the ZS business model. As it is currently modeled, we have positive cash flow by the end of the third year.
3. We are completing a list of potential strategic partners who can help with funding and marketplace impact.
Advisory Board: We are very pleased to announce the initial advisors to ZettaScience:
·  Robert Allen, JD who is a Harvard lawyer with vast business experience in IP and high technology. 
·  Robert Understein, experienced in accountancy and capital formation who has deep experience in business and in Washington, DC.  
·  Maryann Martone, PhD, Professor of Neuroscience at UCSD and is the Principal Investigator of the Neuroscience Information Framework ( 
·  William (Bill) Mobley, MD, PhD is the Chair and Distinguished Professor of Neurosciences at UCSD School of Medicine and an outstanding Alzheimer’s disease researcher. 
·  Dr. Michael Norman, the director of the San Diego Supercomputer Center  and Distinguished Professor of Physics. 
Our web site ( <> ) has been recently refreshed with our new logo, several articles and a list of our advisory board and supporters. We have written articles on  Distributed Innovationthe Fifth Paradigm of Science and The ZettaScience Principles of Open Science. We have included information on the goals and mission of ZettaScience and an overview of DataVer, as described below.

DataVer. Part of the financial model involves a division called DataVer, which is described in more detail on the web site. DataVer will perform independent compliance verification of data requirements set by the funding agencies including a separate rating for data sharing.
Technology. We have identified key technology from the Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) ( <>  <> ). Its key components will form the core of ZettaScience. In particular, they have an advanced search capability tailored for scientific resources and data. It is far more powerful in its current iteration for neuroscience than anything otherwise available. Importantly, it allows search within the data as well as for the data that we plan to offer as a means of desktop scientific discovery. 
NIF also has important capabilities in data federation and already has compiled and curated the most extensive data offerings in neuroscience on the web. With their semi-automated data curation capabilities we will be able to ingest and search vast quantities of data and other resources in a commercially feasible manner. NIF currently serves as an operating demonstration of the viability of the technology.

Supporters: We have spoken to many people over the last several months and we wish to both acknowledge them (you!) for their help and contributions on our path. We will add their names and titles with a short bio if desired to the ZettaScience web site. We are still in the process of contacting them for permission to list their names on the ZettaScience web site. 
Initial Funding
In cooperation with the Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) we have written and plan to submit an STTR grant for the initial technology transfer of the NIF technology into a commercial and scalable IT architecture. Barring definitive funding before the August fling deadline, we will file the grant, which asks for in excess of $750,000. This seed money will result in a demonstration project separate from the NIF. 
We have lots to do yet but we hope you can see the significant progress made over the last several months. Please keep us in mind as data sharing, open science and innovation come up in discussions or your thoughts.


Louis Kirby, MD <
Cell: 602 908-1680 <tel:602%20908-1680> 
Fax: 602 957-4053 <tel:602%20957-4053> 
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