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post arduino day' developer stats for libraries published?

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Phillip Torrone

Apr 16, 2019, 8:10:21 AM4/16/19
to, Massimo Banzi
hi arduino dev list (and specifically massimo)-

on arduino day march 16th 2019 massimo said he would publish the library stats later on in the "next few days" so people can start to get a look.

1 hour, 35 sec mark:

could not find it on the arduino blog, developer list, or forums. it's been a month, so wanted to see what's up.

is there a location where it was, or will be published?


Phillip Torrone

Jun 19, 2019, 3:32:53 PM6/19/19
to, Massimo Banzi
hi hi folks, it's been 3+ months since arduino day, massimo had said this was going to be in the next few days, but we have not seen it posted, etc. any idea where and when it will be?


Juraj Andrássy

Jun 20, 2019, 6:12:10 AM6/20/19
to Developers,

there are so many Arduino libraries of different quality. it would be good to have something like the app 'shops'. not only with download count, but with a rating system too 

Phillip Torrone

Jul 16, 2019, 12:00:19 AM7/16/19
to, Massimo Banzi
hi arduino/massimo,

it's been 4 months since arduino day, any idea when this information will be published? or if it is, where it is located?


Stefan Dzisiewski-Smith

Jul 16, 2019, 5:10:52 AM7/16/19
to, Massimo Banzi
I have to say I would be very interested in this information too, not least so that I can gauge the relative popularity of libraries when deciding which ones to base example code off.

Many thanks


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Phillip Torrone

Aug 16, 2019, 12:04:12 AM8/16/19
to, Massimo Banzi
hi arduino/massimo,

it's been about 5 months since arduino day, any idea when this information will be published? or if it is, where it is located?

lots of folks in the community have indicated this would be really helpful.


Massimo Banzi

Aug 19, 2019, 8:14:47 AM8/19/19
to Arduino Developers
Hi we’re still working on it. We’re working on a revamped website for libraries which will contain that information.
Automating the process of extracting the data is taking time.

hopefully it’s going to be ready by the end of September 



Massimo Banzi

On 16 Aug 2019, at 06:04, Phillip Torrone <> wrote:

hi arduino/massimo,

phillip torrone

Feb 7, 2020, 12:34:06 PM2/7/20
to, Massimo Banzi
hi massimo and team,

wanted to check in and see if there were any updates on this, arduino day was just announced for march 21st.

we have our usual arduino day planned activities and would like to include this.


> On Aug 19, 2019, at 8:14 AM, Massimo Banzi <> wrote:
> Hi we’re still working on it. We’re working on a revamped website for libraries which will contain that information.
> Automating the process of extracting the data is taking time.
> hopefully it’s going to be ready by the end of September
> m
> --
> Massimo Banzi
> Co-Founder


Mike Sims

Feb 20, 2022, 2:11:35 PM2/20/22
to Developers,, Massimo Banzi
I really hate to be Captain Obvious, but ... there was mention of library stats being available - estimated date roughly September 2019 ... almost 2 ½ years ago.

It would be AMAZING to just get even simple information on our published libraries ... like how often they've been downloaded would be sweet ... but broken down by month and country would be spicy, though I'd settle for just total downloads as a simple beginning ...

Is there anything I can do to help bring this into reality? Write a web page? Create some PHP code to hook into a database? Be a cheerleader for the cause? I'm willing to help in any way I can.

Thank you,

Mike Sims

William Westfield

Feb 21, 2022, 7:47:55 PM2/21/22

It would be AMAZING to just get even simple information on our published libraries ... like how often they've been downloaded would be sweet

Huh.  Does GitHub really not keep track of downloads?  (I see “Forks”, but not a separate statistic for downloads of a .zip)
(Library downloads do end up pulling a .zip via GitHub, don’t they?  At least, in Adafruit’s case?  Or do you have to have a separate .zip repository somewhere?)

It would be nice if the Arduino kept track of the info a well, but GitHub already has a bunch of the pretty statistic displays, so it might be a lot easier to get it incorporated there.

(Wait: is Arduino even “involved” in a library download?  I would have thought that Arduino provides the database of existing libraries, but thereafter the interaction is all between the user computer and the provider of the library.  I’m not sure it’s even desirable to have yet another network connection/report just so Arduino can keep statistics as well.)


William Westfield

Feb 21, 2022, 7:54:56 PM2/21/22

Does GitHub really not keep track of downloads?

Apparently “not”, except that you CAN track downloads of “releases.”


Alessandro Ranellucci

Feb 23, 2022, 2:31:18 PM2/23/22
Hi Mike,

we indeed did some attempts in the past but the work needed to get meaningful data turned out to be more complex than expected because we’re seeing many bots, mirrors and CI setups that download specific libraries in a pretty aggressive way, producing nonsensical totals. Also, at the moment there’s no way to distinguish between genuine installs and automated installs of dependencies, and we’re not collecting library usage data from the web editor because all libraries are preinstalled there, so absolute numbers would be very partial. For these reasons we have been pushing this down our priorities postponing the work.
But you have my word that this is something we’ll tackle in the next months as we really believe that having a way to understand the adoption of a library would be beneficial for library developers. It’s unlikely that we will ever provide statistics by country because that would require keeping and processing IP addresses and we don’t want to be so intrusive.

Meanwhile, I recommend looking at the Insights > Traffic section of your GitHub repositories because that provides genuine statistics about how many people visit your repo and read documentation of your library which is a pretty accurate way to monitor adoption and popularity.

Thank you,


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Mike Sims

Feb 24, 2022, 3:00:29 AM2/24/22
Thank you Alessandro, that is good information. I didn't realize there was that much 'automated' downloading going on, but it makes perfect sense in the context of microcontrollers. How to differentiate between an automated vs a human requested download ... would seem to me that you would almost need some kind of a marking from the Arduino IDE to know when a person initiated the download. As far as countries go, your servers already have the IP address of the requesting party (be it a bot or a human) and I would think that simply passing that address over to a service like GeoLite2 by Maxmind (which is free) wouldn't be an invasion of anyone privacy since such information could not be used maliciously against anyone. And from a developer's point of view, knowing such info could be useful - especially where unit conversions might be a core aspect of a library or even linguistic considerations depending on application context.

I agree with you on GitHub statistics as being a good source of information since only users of a library would be the ones hitting up a GitHub page. The only problem with that data is it never shows data older than two weeks. Though there might be a way to collect the data and accumulate it ourselves. Might be a fun project  ☺ 

Looking forward to whatever you end up producing.

Thanks again,


Mike Sims

Jan 7, 2025, 9:42:49 PMJan 7
to Developers, Bill Westfield,
Bill, (and sorry for the VERY late reply) ...

When we publish Arduino libraries to GitHub, the folks that develop and maintain the Arduino IDE use back end hooks that fish out the GitHub repo's containing Arduino libraries, and when they see a published release that is formatted correctly, they pull the source code and copy it to their servers. Then, when a user downloads the library into the IDE, that download happens from Arduino servers, not GitHub. 

I agree that GitHub does provide some nice metrics for repo's but GitHub repos have no connection to the downloads that users do from the Arduino IDE.

I did write a Java service that runs on my Mac 24/7 and it pulls all of my repos and periodically grabs all of the metrics that GitHub provides because GitHub only provides those metrics with something like 10 days of history. With this program, I keep accumulating that history into a SQLite database where now I have several months and a nice interface for viewing the data ... this is an example of one of my Arduino libraries:

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 6.35.57 PM.png

But notice there is no download history ... whereas this repo (not an Arduino library) has downloads:

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 6.36.51 PM.png

Gabriel Staples

Jan 11, 2025, 9:49:09 AMJan 11
to, Bill Westfield,
Huh.  Does GitHub really not keep track of downloads?

Correct, I've never seen github track library downloads, unfortunately.

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