Been awhile since I responded (or received) messages on this mailing list, so I don’t remember if we can still just respond by email…
As Mike mentioned, we have been playing around with the ArduinoCore-zephyr build. With a new pre-alpha setup of a system like this.
I tend to start off with some of the basic primitives, that I often use on different boards. Things like: Serial, GPIO, Wire, SPI, and then into some of the other things like Analog, PWM,
With SerialX, I was reasonably happy as unlike the MBED release and likewise the UNO R4 releases, this implementation uses a software buffer. I have not yet done a fully testing of everything, but did find some holes, such as availableForWrite was not implemented, flush() only waited for the software queue to be empty and the like, and updated the code, and issued a pull request.
In conjunction with SerialX, I did some testing of IO pins for digital IO. I am glad the github version is a lot more complete then the board manager install version and it looks like most of the pins have been defined. I have not checked all the pins used to connect the display Shield. The github install uses the branch manifest-rev in the github user facchinm fork. It looks like he has two other branches that have been updated more recently. I did notice that the LEDs pin numbers here do not match the pin numbers used in the MBED version (as also shown on the boards schematic). If I remember correctly on the schematic it shows them on IO pins 86-88 and on Zephyr I think they are 94-96.
I know Mike started with the Wire objects, so I then have been trying to get SPI objects to work. I have found that currently SPI is very temperamental. At times just referencing some object that uses SPI anywhere in the sketch and the sketch appears to die at startup. That is the PC no longer sees a Serial object, nothing is output. And the happens even before we do anything with that object.
That is, I put the first access of that object after code that prints something and waits for user input, before I touch it (either by having it as a global object or doing a new to create it).
Likewise, I can have code appearing to execute stuff, add in a digitalWrite(5, HIGH); just before it and again the whole GIGA crashes at startup… (Note: earlier in the code I did call pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
As Mike mentioned, I started a thread up on the Arduino forum: MBED->Zephyr status? Beta by end of year? - Hardware - Arduino Forum
Where I have more details as well as several more questions. Things like:
what are you using to debug? IDE debugger (I found a missing pieces). Also, it appears that some debug output can go out on the logical Serial1 object at 115200.
Best way to communicate? Forum? Here? Create issues on Github for each of these things? Punt?
Thanks in advance,