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Location of libraries in version 2

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Jan 15, 2025, 10:51:18 PMJan 15
Has the location of the libraries changed since Version 1 ???

I've just moved over to the latest v2 but I need to add some personal
libraries but there are no library files
in C:\users\me\documents\arduino\libraries ?? which was where v1 put them.


David Brown

Jan 15, 2025, 11:06:32 PMJan 15
to Developers, David Slipper
You probably want to select Sketch > Include Library > Add .zip library from the menus? Don't know if there's supposed to be a manifest in the .zip these days or if you can just .zip your existing library folder.

To answer your question more directly, I just ran resource monitor while updating all my libraries and boards and it seems like they're now in C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Arduino15\libraries


Jan 16, 2025, 3:03:51 AMJan 16
to Developers, David Brown, David Slipper
Hi Dave. The libraries you install via the Arduino IDE Library Manager, or via the IDE's "Add .ZIP Library..." feature are installed to the "libraries" subfolder of the sketchbook folder. This is also the folder you should use when manually installing libraries.

You can find the location of the sketchbook folder by selecting "File > Preferences" from the Arduino IDE menus, and then checking which path is shown in the "Sketchbook location" preference.

As was mentioned by David Brown, Arduino IDE 2.x does automatically install a collection of fundamental "built-in" libraries on the first run. These libraries are installed to a special location at:


However, that folder is only used by that "built-in" library installation feature, and Arduino IDE will not use that folder for any other library installations. You should not use that folder for the installation of additional libraries. Use the "libraries" subfolder of the sketchbook instead.

Regards, Per
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