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APTrust end of year

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Bradley Daigle

Dec 22, 2023, 12:49:26 PM12/22/23
to APTrust Advisory,

A reminder to all that the APTrust offices will be closed next week, reopening on 02 January. If something arises, you may not hear back right away but one of us will respond.  This is also my last communication in my official capacity of Executive Director. I want tot thank everyone for their great ideas, energy, and engagement in last week’s meeting. I think the meeting was a “typical” meeting but in reality, it was anything but. We continue to set a very high bar. This community continues to impress me and inspire others to both learn more and share more about what successful digital preservation can look like. For those of you who missed the meeting details, you can find them all documented here. I also want to thank those who participated virtually and of course, our hosts, Georgetown University.

Finally, I want to thank you all for your years of hard work and effort. You all are what makes APTrust the positive force it is today. Many of you have inspired both myself and others to seek out new partnerships, new models, new paradigms. I have no doubt that our shared ethos will continue with our new leadership in 2024 and beyond.

Wishing you all the very best for the holidays as well as the years to come.



Bradley Daigle
Academic Preservation Trust

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