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Andrew Diamond

Nov 3, 2022, 5:01:25 PM11/3/22
to community

After three years of work, our new systems are live on World Digital Preservation Day. We resumed ingest around 2:00 p.m. Eastern time, and Boston College has the honor of getting the first bag into the new system. 

In addition to being more scalable, maintainable, and cost-effective, the new system was designed from the ground up with tighter and more consistent security policies. Penetration tests conducted in October by an outside vendor found only a handful of low-risk issues, which we have since fixed. 

Note that although Wasabi storage is now available with the new system, please don’t start pushing materials to Wasabi just yet. We would like to conduct a limited pilot to assess the costs of moving materials from AWS to Wasabi. If you’d like to be part of the pilot, please contact us at he...@aptrust.org.

Andrew Diamond
Lead Developer, APTrust

Tallman, Nathan

Nov 4, 2022, 2:10:50 PM11/4/22
to Andrew Diamond, community

Congratulations, Andrew! This is a significant milestone for your team and for APTrust. The new architecture is much more modern and cloud-native than ever before. Enjoy the weekend and take a well-deserved rest.






Nathan Tallman (he/him)

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Flavia Ruffner

Nov 4, 2022, 3:37:12 PM11/4/22
to Tallman, Nathan, Andrew Diamond, community
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