In partnership with the Office of Research (OR) and Information Technology Services (ITS), RIEEE is working to assess research data management and related cyberinfrastructure needs across campus. We gathered relevant ITS plans and tested a preliminary questionnaire over the summer. We invite participation in our next step, facilitated sessions this fall, to better understand both the research drivers of needs and appropriate CI solutions to address them.
Our objectives remain consistent - to discern how best to promote use of existing resources, build strategic capacity to support data-intensive research, and increase networking capabilities to improve robust data flow throughout Appalachian State. Facilitated sessions allow for productive conversation and discussion that will add critical detail and reveal shared needs.
We hope you’ll join us for this conversation to help ensure the most critical research needs drive research cyberinfrastructure priorities. Sessions are offered Friday, November 5th 1:00-2:30pm and Friday, November 12th 2:00-3:30pm. Please register via the link for each session, at least three days prior to the session you plan to attend so we can plan accordingly.