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Editing the contents of a portlet

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Mark Pemburn

Sep 21, 2023, 11:12:44 AM9/21/23
to uPortal Community

Our university is using uPortal 4.3, and I am charged with maintaining it as best I can.  I need to make what should be a relatively simple change to a portlet, and have only the sketchiest idea of how to do this.  

In essence, the portlet used to connect to service that is no longer available, and I need to simply have it display a link to the service that replaces it.  From what I can see, the code in the portlet-definition.xml file points to a .jsp class (cuOneCard.jsp):

Can someone tell me what I need to do to change this to show an HTML link?

Thanks in advance,

Mark Pemburn
Clark University

Benito Gonzalez

Oct 13, 2023, 9:26:11 AM10/13/23
to Mark Pemburn, uPortal Community
Hi Mark,

Sorry for the late reply. I missed this email.

If you have access to the portlet admin UI, you can create a simple content portlet instance to replace this one. It would allow updating a simple link with ease.

Hope this helps!

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