uPortal annual report drafting

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Jim Helwig

May 17, 2018, 4:01:50 PM5/17/18
to uporta...@apereo.org
Each year the uPSC submits information to be included in the Apereo Annual Report. In a more collaborative and transparent way, we are inviting you to help! I have started a document collecting notes and information that could be used in such a report and I welcome you taking a look and helping to fill in what is missing or would be useful. This remains incomplete as there are a number of data points that still need to be researched and filled in. If you can take the time to contribute, great! Otherwise feel free to add comments or suggest things that you would find useful in such a report. What would you like to see in an annual report?

uPortal Steering Committee Chair

Andrew Petro

May 25, 2018, 5:41:38 PM5/25/18
to uPortal Community
I count ~100 releases of software products in the uPortal ecosystem, during the year under consideration.

That seems like an impressive number, like there's a fair amount of open source product work going on in this community.

Christian Cousquer

May 26, 2018, 12:13:32 PM5/26/18
to Andrew Petro, uPortal Community
Heya Jim,

I've added something about the Doc manual in the annual Report. Please, have a look and take care of my frenglish... :-D


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Jim Helwig

May 30, 2018, 10:34:27 PM5/30/18
to uporta...@apereo.org
Thanks to everyone that helped out on the 2018 uPortal annual report  especially Andrew, ChristianC, and Julien.  I believe it is in pretty good shape now. Please feel free to take another look as I submit it for incorporation into the Apereo annual report!


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Andrew Petro

Jun 6, 2018, 11:53:45 AM6/6/18
to uPortal Community

Thanks for making this happen.

It's great to see uPortal with substantial content in the Apereo annual report as published.

I'm left kind of itchy for a uPortal-specific hyperlink-enhanced evolution of this, something snappy that uPortal participants could reference in talking about and promoting uPortal.


Andrew Petro

Jun 8, 2018, 2:04:54 PM6/8/18
to uPortal Community
Calling lazy consensus on the draft post. Absent feedback otherwise will look to merge it next week.

Jim Helwig

Jun 11, 2018, 2:04:59 PM6/11/18
to Andrew W Petro, uporta...@apereo.org
I am only just now able to start catching up after the conference. Others might be as well.

If we are viewing this as “The 2018 uPortal Annual Report” I think I would like a little more feedback from others. I think the numbers part of it is fine. We may want to add more narrative around the nature of code improvements and additions we saw last year. 

I would also like to see some discussion around the “challenges and opportunities.” As it stands, I think those have pretty much been offered from just a couple people. I would like to see those have greater community input and validation.

I encourage others to comment on the GitHub PR and/or via uportal-user. Let’s hold off on posting until next week.


Andrew Petro

Jun 25, 2018, 12:13:01 PM6/25/18
to uPortal Community

On Monday, June 11, 2018 at 1:04:59 PM UTC-5, jim.helwig wrote:
I am only just now able to start catching up after the conference. Others might be as well.

If we are viewing this as “The 2018 uPortal Annual Report” I think I would like a little more feedback from others. I think the numbers part of it is fine. We may want to add more narrative around the nature of code improvements and additions we saw last year. 

I would also like to see some discussion around the “challenges and opportunities.” As it stands, I think those have pretty much been offered from just a couple people. I would like to see those have greater community input and validation.

I encourage others to comment on the GitHub PR and/or via uportal-user. Let’s hold off on posting until next week.

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